第1篇 项目质量管理工程师岗位职责
项目和产品质量管理工程师 job responsibilities:
in charge of product/project quality management from design phase to the whole lifecycle;
to identify necessary quality requirements (listing of requirements);
to consider lessons / learned, field experiences in new innovation projects and in ecr process;
to support the project team in the tailoring process (define suitable submission level for the relevant software elements within projects);
to identify risks with the team members, define suitable measures for risk reduction and control the progress;
to plan and deploy necessary design and process controls in the series production;
to plan, implement and evaluate the maturity of necessary software test equipment;
to review the results of capability studies;
where software is concerned to support and monitor transfers of product and production processes, ensure apqp / ppap approach;
to prepare the required quality reviews with the project team based on the defined submission level;
to support on-boarding process for new suppliers;
to perform apqp / ppap together with suppliers, define necessary submission level applicable to the supplier;
to release new products from software suppliers or contribute when products from suppliers contain software (ppap);
to identify and plan necessary process and product audits for innovation projects;
to create necessary product-specific technical terms of delivery (tlb);
to make out the test plan base on product spec;
to support the definition of general tlbs in conjunction with the gsd team;
to support customer quality management in defining quality management agreements with customers;
to support gsd in defining quality management agreements with suppliers;
to escalate any identified, not mitigated risk to quality to the divisional quality manager and relevant business unit management.
bachelor degree of mechanical is preferred;
more than 6 years quality management experience;
with mechanical/connector product design/test/quality experience is preferred;
know molding, stamping, assembly;
can understand mechanical visual engineering drawings;
familiar with quality management method;
apqp, ppap;
know how to use lesson learn,fmea,control plan,msa,spc etc;
know how to manage supplier;
have the working experience in oem/odm is preferred;
honest, team work spirit, motivated, can work in high pressure;
adapt fast. more than 30% business trip.
job responsibilities:
in charge of product/project quality management from design phase to the whole lifecycle;
to identify necessary quality requirements (listing of requirements);
to consider lessons / learned, field experiences in new innovation projects and in ecr process;
to support the project team in the tailoring process (define suitable submission level for the relevant software elements within projects);
to identify risks with the team members, define suitable measures for risk reduction and control the progress;
to plan and deploy necessary design and process controls in the series production;
to plan, implement and evaluate the maturity of necessary software test equipment;
to review the results of capability studies;
where software is concerned to support and monitor transfers of product and production processes, ensure apqp / ppap approach;
to prepare the required quality reviews with the project team based on the defined submission level;
to support on-boarding process for new suppliers;
to perform apqp / ppap together with suppliers, define necessary submission level applicable to the supplier;
to release new products from software suppliers or contribute when products from suppliers contain software (ppap);
to identify and plan necessary process and product audits for innovation projects;
to create necessary product-specific technical terms of delivery (tlb);
to make out the test plan base on product spec;
to support the definition of general tlbs in conjunction with the gsd team;
to support customer quality management in defining quality management agreements with customers;
to support gsd in defining quality management agreements with suppliers;
to escalate any identified, not mitigated risk to quality to the divisional quality manager and relevant business unit management.
bachelor degree of mechanical is preferred;
more than 6 years quality management experience;
with mechanical/connector product design/test/quality experience is preferred;
know molding, stamping, assembly;
can understand mechanical visual engineering drawings;
familiar with quality management method;
apqp, ppap;
know how to use lesson learn,fmea,control plan,msa,spc etc;
know how to manage supplier;
have the working experience in oem/odm is preferred;
honest, team work spirit, motivated, can work in high pressure;
adapt fast. more than 30% business trip.
第2篇 项目质量员管理岗位职责
1、 贯彻执行国家有关规范质量检验评定标准和公司质量部下发的各项文件,以及项目部质量体系文件,项目质量保证计划,负责健全项目质量保证体系;
2、 按国家施工规范与标准、及广州市有关规定,独立行使质量检查、监督权;
3、 做好质量记录和隐蔽工程验收签证手续;
4、 协助有关生产管理人员,做好日常质量检验和评定;
5、 填好各分项工程的质量自检表,并做好自检质量等级评定工作;
6、 向技术部门资料员定期送交完整的已签资料手续;
7、 监督检查各施工队,在施工过程中执行质量计划情况;
8、 落实工序隐检,负责核定分项工程质量评定;
9、 督促施工队落实三检制,组织项目部的工程质量检查;
10、 负责办理工程开工报告,施工许可证等有关事项;
11、 负责向监理工程师呈报日进度报表,周进度报表;
12、 参加一般质量事故分析,监督检查措施实施情况,并进行验证;
13、 组织对已施工完毕的项目进行自检复核;
14、 负责监督检查工程质量,并做好相关记录;
15、 协助生产经理及质量经理做好其他的质量控制工作。
第3篇 软件项目质量管理岗位职责
第4篇 项目质量经理管理岗位职责
1、 协助项目经理实施公司质量方针、项目部质量目标、及项目质量保证计划,参与组织工程质量策划,对工程质量负直接责任,在工程质量管理方面直接对项目经理负责;
2、 贯彻执行国家及地方的有关工程施工规范、工艺规程、质量标准,严格执行国家施工质量验收统一标准,确保项目阶段质量目标和总体质量目标的实现;
3、 领导项目部建立质量管理保证体系,主持项目的质量工作专题会议,形成书面的整改意见,并负责监督整改;
4、 组织人力物力资源的活动,分析质量情况,在施工过程的进行全面质量控制,及时协调和处理实施过程中遇到的问题,并制定预防、纠正与改进的质量措施;
5、 负责指导施工材料、半成品的检验、试验和管理,落实工序隐检,组织分部、分项工程质量评定;
6、 负责督促施工队落实“三检制”,组织项目部定期进行工程质量检查,参加上级的质量标准检查及现场的经验交流;
7、 负责与质监站的工作联系,负责与业主和监理工程师的质量工作协调,协助业主和监理工程师组织好竣工验收工作;
8、 负责组织、主持召开工程质量会,对质量有奖罚权;加强对各专业分包单位的质量检查和监督,确保各专业分包单位的质量符合规范要求,并定期向业主和监理工程师提交工程质量情况报表;
9、 负责将项目质量目标的进行分解落实,并监督实施,加强过程控制和日常管理,保证项目质量保证体系有效运行;
10、 负责实施过程中工程质量的质检工作,加强各分部分项工程的质量控制,对达不到质量要求的部位行使“一票否决权”,并要求限期整改;
11、 负责工程创优和评奖的策划、组织、资料准备和日常管理工作;
12、 负责工程竣工验收备案工作,在自检合格的基础上向业主提交工程质量合格证明书,并提请业主组织工程竣工验收;
13、 负责组织监督检查工程施工劳动合同的实施执行;
14、 负责审核、并签字确认各分包施工队组月结算工程量的实际完成情况及实体质量情况,对于达不到要求或不符合实际者,有权对其进行合理处罚,甚至不给予结算。
第5篇 项目质量管理工程师岗位职责任职要求
第6篇 研发项目质量管理岗位职责
项目管理部-研发质量管理岗 北京新能源汽车股份有限公司 北京新能源汽车股份有限公司,北汽新能源汽车 职责描述:负责新车型研发过程质量问题管控 ① 承担项目阶段质量问题的管理和推进;
② 组织质量问题验证及关闭确认;
③ 负责提报项目阶段研发质量激励方案。
负责在研车型质量预防性控制 ① 负责在研车型再发防止问题工作计划及改善确认;
② ②负责制定dfmea编制计划并指导实施。
负责在研项目质量控制计划实施 ① 负责编制在研项目质量控制计划的编制并实施;
② 负责研发交付物的质量审核;
负责研发质量相关交付物编制 ① 负责编制g8-g5阶段《研发质量控制计划》,《dfmea计划》;
② 负责编制g6-g1阶段《工程类问题状态》,《质量目标状态》
负责编制项目质量工作报告 ① 负责编制项目质量问题进展周报;
② 负责编制涉及项目的质量例会报告材料。
负责部门交于日常工作 ① 完成部门及科室安排的相关工作;
任职要求:基本任职条件 学历要求 大学本科及以上
专业要求 汽车、机械制造及管理等相关专业
工作经验要求 6年以上汽车行业工作经验,其中3年以上质量管理或产品开发工作经验
专业知识 掌握质量管理体系方面知识;
专业技能 熟练使用办公软件;