> 文书范文 > 证明书


发布时间:2024-10-09 热度:55


英文版实习证明 篇1



internship certificate example

human resource operations

date: april 21, 2024

to whom it may concern

this is to certify that miss xxx has completed her internship in (organizational name)’s finance department starting from january 28, 2024 to march 28, 2024.

her duties included

• checking the credit files and preparation of disbursement cheques for different departments

• monthly bank reconciliations of loan accounts

• vouchers entry in mis.

during her stay we found her hard-working with an aptitude for learning and ability to grasp diverse concepts quickly. she possesses a strong analytical sense, decision making ability and proved herself a team player.

we wish her best of luck for future endeavors.


manager hr & administration


certificate of internship

to whom it may concern,

this is to certify , from university, majored in , started his three weeks internship at our company from aug 2nd, 2024 to aug 30th, 2024.

during the student's internship, under the guidance of our company’s staffs, he got a preliminary understanding of conducting investigation into investment project, and was familiar with the project-assessment system, as well as the details and standards involved in the process. in addition, he put all his passion and effort into his work. the student tried to find out every problem he encountered and never hesitated to ask senior co-workers for help. he got along very well with others, which in term proved his team-spirit and excellent skills of communication. also, he was willing to take suggestions from others, and he could work overtime to ensure his work is fulfilled before due. his diligence, attitude and cooperation left all his co-workers and our company a very good impression.

corporation, limited

human resources director,

(valid with a stamp)

september 1st, 2024

英文版实习证明 篇2



internship certificate

xxx, student from xxx, started her internship in planning department of xxx on xx, xxxx and ended onxx, xxxx.

during the student's internship she put much effort into her work and study. she had been proficient at thinking and solving problems and applying the methods to working out those alike. this student never hesitated asking senior co-workers when difficulties are met. the student also does well in putting academic theories into practice, guaranteeing the quality and quantity of the work done. at the same time, the student adheres to the company's rules. respecting and getting along with others well, co-workers have all given their approval to the student who now leaves an excellent impression to the company.

now the student in my company has already concluded, this is to certify that.

(valid with a stamp)


英文版实习证明 篇3




internship certificate

兹有xx同学于xx年xx月xx日至xxxx年xx月xx日在xx实习。 xxx, student from xxx, started her internship in planning department of xxx on xx, xxxx and ended onxx, xxxx.

该学生实习期间工作认真,善于思考,能够举一反三,能够将在学校所学的知识灵活应用到具体的工作中去,保质保量完成工作任务。在工作中遇到不懂的地方,能够积极向富有经验的前辈请教。对于别人提出的工作建议,可以虚心听取。同时,该学生严格遵守我公司的各项规章制度, 服从实习安排, 完成实习任务。与公司同事和睦相处,展示了优秀的团队合作精神和沟通能力,与其一同工作的员工均对该学生的表现予以肯定。

during the student's internship she put much effort into her work and study. she had been proficient at thinking and solving problems and applying the methods to working out those alike. this student never hesitated asking senior co-workers when difficulties are met. the student also does well in putting academic theories into practice, guaranteeing the quality and quantity of the work done. at the same time, the student adheres to the company's rules. respecting and getting along with others well, co-workers have all given their approval to the student who now leaves an excellent impression to the company.


now the student in my company has already concluded, this is to certify that.


(valid with a stamp)



英文版实习证明 篇4




姓名: 院校: 专业: 实习时间: 地点:



该同学的实习工作内容主要分为两大部分,一是办公室日常性工作,主要包括文档的录入、编辑、排版、打印复印,各种公文、信件、邮件、报刊杂志的分送工作以及机关事务中的接待工作;另外一部分是下乡实践考察调研工作,深入各村各户开展政策宣讲、科技支农、法律援助、文化帮教以及春节文艺汇演送温暖等活动。 评价




internship certificate

name: school: major:

internship periods:

address of the organization:

position: secretary of the director of economic development department

her tasks were divided into two sections:

one part was the office routine work, including documents’ inputting, editing, typesetting and printing; correspondences, letters, courier documents, newspapers and magazines distributing; and the office reception. the other part was the countryside practice and investigation, which concluded all kinds of door-to-door activities, such as policy propaganda, sci-tech serving for agriculture, legal aid and educational assisting as well as spring festival variety show aiming at sending warmth etc.


during the internship, miss xu tingting showed her great enthusiasm and earnest toward the work. she always finished the tasks coordinately with his colleagues according to the department arrangements. she also completed the research paper on the impact of human capital investment on the transfer of rural surplus labor. many effective measures were proposed to promote the rural surplus labor in the paper, which have been applied in practice by the town government. all these convincingly testified her creativity and excellent scientific research capabilities.

(seal) date:



兹有 xxxxxx 学校 土木工程 专业 xx 同学于20xx年7月2日 至 20xx年8月30日 在 xxxx总公司 实习

该同学的实习职位是 ____






internship qualification

xx xx, student from xxxx university, majored in civil engineering, started his two months internship at our company from july 2,2024to august 30,20xx.

during the student's internship, under the guidance of our company’s engineer, he has a preliminary understanding of the development process of conducting a project, and is more familiar with the engineering system and its related equipment functions and implementation methodology, as well as sales and distributions module. in addition, he puts much effort into his work and study. the student never hesitates to ask senior co-workers when meeting difficulties. at the same time, he respects and gets along very well with others and shows us a very good team spirit and ability of communication and cooperation. co-workers have all given their approval to the student who now leaves an excellent impression to the company.

xxxxcorporation of china

(valid with a stamp)

september 5th, 20xx


兹有南京农业大学 xx专业 xx 同学于2024年七月一日至2024年8月30日在中国民生银行南阳分行实习。该学生在我行实习期间,主要从事公私业务、运行业务的实习工作。学习柜台公私业务简单的操作流程及注意事项、大堂对客户的服务与维护、跟从客户经理及业务顾问对客户进行信息维护及推广产品服务等工作。特此证明。 中国民生银行南阳分行


the certificate of banking internshipthis is to certify that student **, majoring at *** in nanjing agricultural university, has interned at china minsheng banking corp. ltd. nanyang sub-branch from july 1, 2024 to august 30, 2024.during the internship at our bank, this student mainly engages in the work of public & private business and operation business. learn notes and simple operation procedure of counter public & private business; service and maintenance for customers and the hall; the work of conducting information maintenance and service of promoting products following customer manager and sales consultant.hereby certify.china minsheng banking corp. ltd. nanyang sub-branch august 30, 20xx.


















