我几乎是白的,但耳朵、眼窝是黑的。我生活在森林里,喜欢吃竹子。我是谁? (Panda 熊猫)眼睛尾巴像只猫,但又不是猫(Tiger 老虎)什么key(钥匙)自己会跑(mon-key 猴)
why we said river is a richman Cause it has two banks. 为何说河流是有钱人。因为它有2个银行(河岸) 问题: 1.What gets larger,the more you take away?什么东西你拿走越多,反而越大? 2.What goes on four legs in the morning,on two at noon,and on three in the evening?什么走路开始用四条腿,后来用两条腿,最后用三条腿? 3.What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon?把一只啄木鸟和一只识途的鸽子融合在一起,会得到什么? 4.Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?世界上哪个地方下午比早上先到? 答案: 1.Ahole.洞 2.People.They crawled when they were babies and walked with two legs before they had to rely on a crutch in old age. 是人,他们刚生下来的时候用四肢爬行,后来用双腿走路,老年时又不得不依靠拐杖走。3.A bird that knocks on the door when delivering messages.将得到一只送信时会敲门的鸟。4.In the dictionary.在字典里。1.What month do soldiers hate --March (三月,行军) 2.How many feet are there in a yard --It depends on how many people stand in the yard. (码,院子) 3.Why is an empty purse always the same --There is no change in it. (零钱,变化) 4.What book has the most stirring chapters --A cook book. (动人的,搅拌的) 5.What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark --Hot dog. (热狗) 6.What is the smallest room in the world --Mushroom. (蘑菇) 7.What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy --Drink well water. (井水,健康的) 8.How do we know the ocean is friendly --It waves. (起波浪,招手致意) 9.Which can move faster, heat or cold --Heat, because you can catch cold. (追上冷,患感冒) 10.Why is the library the highest building --It has the most stories. (故事,(楼)层) 11. What table is in the field --Vegetable 12. What is the only thing you can break when you say its name --silence 13. What is there in your house that ought to be looked into --mirror 14. What is that which you have never seen, heard or felt, which never existed and still has a name --nothing 15. What changes a pear into a pearl --the letter “l” 16. What question can never be answered by 'Yes' --Are you asleep 17. What ship has two mates but no captain --courtship 18. What is the most difficult key to turn --a donkey 19. Where can you always find money --In the dictionary 20. What is the surest way to double your money --Fold it. 21. Where does afternoon come before morning in the world --In the dictionary 22. What is the smallest bridge in the world --the bridge of a nose 23. What letter makes a road broad --letter B 24. What letter sounds like a vegetable --letter P 25. Why is a pig the most unusual animal in the world --Because it is killed before it is cured (烧烤待处理) 26. What match can't be put in a match-box --Football match, basketball match, etc. 27. When do 2 and 2 make more than 4 --When they make 22. 28. I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers without water. What am I --A map 29. I am something that has teeth but can't eat. What am I --A comb 30. What is a sick man a controdiction --When he is an impatient patient. 31.What can hear without ears and answer without a mouth --An echo 32.What room has no walls,no doors,no windows,and no floors --A mushroom 33.What is dark but is made by light --A shadow 34.What is easy to get into but hard to get out of --Trouble 35.What is black When it is clean and white when it is dirty --A blackboard