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发布时间:2022-01-07 热度:67


Questions:1.Why is the letter E so sad?字母E 为什么伤心不已?2.Why is the letter E so important?字母E 为什么至关重要?3.Why are the letter Grand the letter Sin“gloves”closeto each other?为什么说在“gloves”这个单词中字母G 和字母S 关系密切?Keys:1.Because it’s always out of cash and always in debt. 因为它总是缺钱花,又总是债务缠身。2.Because it’s the begining of everything. 因为它是万物的开端。3.Because there is love between them. 因为它们有“爱”牵系着。Notes:of cash 没有现款in debt 欠债n.手套Questions:1.What letter is an animal?什么字母是一种动物?2.What letter is a vegetable?什么字母是一种蔬菜?3.What letter is a question?什么字母是一个问题?4.What letter is a part of the head什么字母是头的一部分?Keys:1.The letter B. 字母B。2.The letter P. 字母P。3.The letter Y. 字母Y。4.The letter I. 字母I。Notes:蜜蜂n.豌豆音似Why音似eyeQuestions:1.What letter is most precious for a deaf old lady?什么字母对于耳背的老太尤其珍贵?2.What do we learn in primary schools?我们在小学里学什么?3.What has four eyes but can’t see?什么有四只眼却看不见?Keys:1.The letter“A”, for it makes her hear. 是字母A,因为它使老太耳聪。2.ABCs。是基本常识。3.The Mississippi. 是密西西比河。Notes:adj.宝贵的,珍贵的n.基础知识,复数形式为 ABC’s 或ABCs。3. Mississippi 单词中有四个“i”(four eyes)。Questions:1.What part of London is in France?伦敦哪个部分在法国?2.What makes a road broad?什么使马路变宽?3.What letter stands for the ocean?什么字母代表海洋?4.What letter is to be avoided if you want to borrow money?要想借钱,就得避开什么字母?Keys:1.The lette5r “N”. 字母N。2.The letter“B”. 字母B。3.The letter“C”. 字母C。4.The letter“A”, because it makes men mean. 是字母A,因为它使人变得吝啬。Notes:音似sea(大海)。.小气,吝啬Questions:1.What three letters turn a boy into a man?哪三个字母可以男孩子变成男人?2.What is written with three letters but is pronounced likeone letter?什么写出来是三个字母,读出来却像一个字母?3.What starts with T , ends with T, and can be full of T ?什么开始是T,结尾是T,还可能全是T?4.How can you change a pear into a pearl?怎样可以把梨变成珍珠?Keys:1.A-G-E. 是A-G-E。2.Eye. 是眼睛。3.Teapot. 是茶壶。4.Add the letter L. 加上字母L。Notes:拼出来是age(年龄)。teapot/’ti:p&t;/n.茶壶Questions:1.Why is the letter B like fire?字母B 为什么跟火一样?2.Why is the letter D like a sailor?字母D 为什么跟海员一样?3.Why is the letter T like a boat?字母T 为什么跟船一样?Keys:1.It makes the oil Boil,too. 因为它也可以让油沸腾。2.It follows the C. 因为它跟在字母C 后面。3.It’s in the midst of water,too. 因为它也在水中间。Notes:oil(油)至沸腾,B 加在oil 前也可使之变成 Boil(沸腾)。the C 音似 follow the sea(跟寻大海)。the midst of 在⋯中间Questions:1.Why is the letter K like flour?字母K 为什么与面粉相似?2.Why is the letter A like high noon?字母A 为什么与正午相似?3.Why are farmers surprised by the letter G?农民为何对字母G 惊叹不已?4.What’s the end of the world?世界末日是什么样子?Keys:1.You can’t make a cake without it. 没有它你做不成蛋糕。2.It’s also in the middle of the day. 它也在一天的正当中。3.It turns oats into goats.它能把燕麦变成山羊。4.The letter“d”. 就是字母d。Notes:n.面粉noon 正午Questions:1.What is the significance of the letter”B”to the growingup of children?字母B 对于儿童的成长有何重大意义?2.What is the origin of eternity?永恒的起源是什么?3.What letter seperates Europe from Africa?哪个字母把欧洲和美洲隔开?Keys:1.It made them bolder as they grow older. 它使得他们随着年龄增长而变得胆大而勇敢。2.The letter“E”. 字母E。3.The letter“C”. 字母C。Notes:adj.大胆,勇敢significance/sig>nifik+ns/ n.重要,意义,价值n.起源,源头eternity/i’t+::niti/ n.水恒音似sea(海洋)。Questions:1.What eight-letter word has only one letter in it?什么单词拼出来有8 个字母,里面却只有一个?2.What five-letter word has only one left once you taketwo away?什么单词拼出来有5 个字母,拿走2 个,却只剩下一个?3.What seven-letter word has only three letters?什么单词拼出来有7 个字母,却只用3 个字母?4.What nine-letter word has seven left if you take fouraway?什么单词拼出来有9 个字母,拿走四个,却还剩下七个?Keys:1.Envelope. 信封。2.Stone. 石头。3.Barbara. 芭芭拉(人名)。4.Seventeen. 十七。Notes:1.letter n.字母;信Questions:1.Can you spell jealousy with two letters?你能用2 个字母把“嫉妒”这个词拼出来吗?2.Can you spell donkey with one letter?你能用一个字母把“驴子”拼出来吗?3.Can you end a game of hide-and-seek with three letters?你能用三个字母结束捉迷藏的游戏吗?4.Can you turn an odd number into even by removing oneletter?你能拿走一个字母,把奇数变成偶数吗?Keys:N.V. 是N.V,音似envy(嫉妒)。U. 字母 U,音似You(你)。3.I—C—U. 字母 I—C—U,音似I see you(我看见你了)。4.Sure. You can get “even”if you remove the first letter from “seven’, which is an odd number. 当然,从“七”这个奇数单词中拿走第一个字母,就得到了偶数。Notes:4.even/’i:vin/n.偶数Questions:1.Why are girls afraid of the letter C?女孩为什么害怕字母C?2.Why are painters fond of the letter R?油漆工为什么青睐字母R?3.How many peas are there in a pint?一品脱有多少粒豌豆?4.What are the most sensible letters?什么字母最明智?Keys:1.Because it makes fat fact. 因为它使肥胖成为现实。2.Without it, varnish would vanish. 没有它,清漆就会消失。3.One. 一粒。4.The Y’s. 是字母Y。Notes:n.清漆vanish/’v$niM/v.消失音似P。音似wise(睿智)。Questions:1.If Sally goes to school in Sydney and Sally’s sister has supper in a scenic spot near the sea,how many S’ s are there in all? 假如莎莉在悉尼上学,莎莉的妹妹在海边风景区吃晚饭,请问总共有多少个S 字母出现?2.What occurs once in every minute,twice in every moment, but not once in a hundred years? 什么事每分钟一次,每片刻两次,可是一百年也不遇?3.What letter do most people fear most?大多数人最害怕什么字母?Keys:1.None. There’s no“s”in“all”. 一个也没有,all 这个单词不用s。2.The letter M. 是字母M。3.The letter E, because it’s the end of life. 是字母E,因为它是“life”这个单词末尾的字母。Notes:3.“It’s the end of life.”另一种理解是:它是生命的结束。Questions:1. What letter is a kind of drink?什么字母是一种饮料?2.Why is the letter R absolutely necessary to friendship?为什么说字母R 对于友谊至关重要?3.What are a banker’s favourite vowels?银行家最喜欢的元音是什么?Keys:1.The letter“T”.是字母“T”。2.Without it,a friend will become a fiend. 没有它,朋友就成了恶魔。3.I—O—U. 是三个元音I-O-U。Notes:音似tea(茶)。adv.完全地,绝对地fiend/fi:nd/n.恶魔,魔鬼adj.喜爱的,偏爱的,也可写作 favorite。vowel/vau+l/ n.元音,元音字母I-O-U 音似“I owe you”(我欠了你的)。IOU n.借据,也写作I.O.U。Questions:1.Why is U the jolliest letter?为什么说U 是最开心的字母?2.What is the difference between here and there?这里和那里的区别是什么?3 . Thirteen different letters are hidden in thisdesign.Please find them.有13 个字母躲藏在此图内,你能找出来吗?Keys:1.Because it’s in the midst of fun. 因为它在开心的当中。2.The letter“T”. 是字母T。3.E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,T,V,X,Y,Z Notes:1.jolly/’DN&li;/ adj.欢乐的,快活的midst/’midst/ n.中间,中部,当中in the midst of fun 有两层意思:①字母u 是单词fun 当中的一个字母;②字母u 在欢乐的当中,当然最开心。


1、幼苗初绽(Y )2、转弯时的提醒(Z )3、横平竖直做人( T)4、一把智慧钥匙( Q)5、月有阴晴圆缺( D)6、手拉手才能并驾齐驱(H )7、周而复始绝不是一无所有( O)8、永远圆不了,因为每次都半途而废(C )9、是胜利的爽指,也是逃兵的投降手(V )10、是四通八达的道路,还是禁止通行的封条(X )




