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发布时间:2024-08-29 热度:73


情侣之间保证书怎么写 篇1








情侣之间保证书怎么写 篇2



self-criticism of me


my dearly beloved wife:



first of all, i am going to say i’m sorry for the last time.

i have promised myself to do many things for you, i would like to do all that i can for you, love you decently.


you did a lot for me, but i am always not quite satisfied, your love to me like an addictive poison, can not but carry on, always want more.


since that incident, we began the quarrel, and every time i raise up the question. always suspecting you, in order to solve the problem that even me, myself do not know how that small doubt came up. over and over again with the same problem and you e_plained that with the same answer, and then is frustrated and sad that left to you.


i do not like to just say byebye in a sad mood , keep the questions awake, or let you think you can fi_ it yourself, i have said that, as it always will be the big problems after things that remained unsolved, i want a lifetime with you, and do not want that to happen.


it seems that, every time i done something wrong and in the few minutes i am fully aware of my own fault. my naive or not think for you, what drugs to buy to regret?


it was you that let me regain the feelings of the e_istence of the world of love, in the past that i thought that it is only a group of people created the world of their own, but since i am with you, everything is different; the world seems changed in my eyes, like all because of you.


these four months together with you, i am very happy, no matter when quarrel or pleased, i am all very happy. because i’m still with you. i hope that this period will let our journey become more smooth and favoring.


i want to tell you that, i will never shout to you ever again. think of a little more for you. it’s my bad that day. facts have proved that my wife is always right, i will always remember that.


i want to tell you that, things have been, we have said passed on, just let them go. and now it’s only you and me, i will not use that kind of things to joke you around or to tease you with that, my heart is the shape of you, forgive my childish.


i want to tell you that, you are the best of my best, you understand me, always concern for my feelings, you gave up a lot for me. you only wanted to be with me. my heart has been truly touched and i never forget.


i really like a king of jealousness like you said, in the field of jealousy, i am always a winner. i am afraid that other people also like you like i do.


i want to tell you that, every time parted with you, i am looking forward the time could pass as soon as possible, and thought about dinner while eating lunch, thought about getting hot water while having dinner... ...


i want to tell you that, i am not going to lie to you any more, from small things to big. you have my word. i hope you can give me another chance, believe in me.


i want to tell you that, i will certainly pay attention to my problems of the word before and now don’t match, as long as every line is all truth , something like that will never happen again.


i want to tell you that, you have always been comes the first in my heart, li or yi cannot compare with what i have feelings for you, this strong feeling is only with you, i will not get you and them to compare, they did not eligible.


i want to tell you that, i have big man attitude and i know that. i am also a very strong self-esteem person. i am trying to change, you will see.


i want to tell you that, you are you, like no others. i like you, i will not try to change you any more, because you have changed yourself for me, i can see that.


i want to tell you that, i want more respect for you, respect your feelings and respect for your behavior, respect for the independence of your personality.


you are my wife, you are mine, at the same time i am also yours. i like this feeling of belonging together which i never had, i think you may feel the same way too.


i wanted to write a lot more tonight, but i think we all know lots of things better remained unsaid.


i thought a lot, about us. i think we can make it, no matter what happens, i will be right here beside you. i have faith in us.


i hope that this will become a new starting point of our relationship. i will strive for our future!


i love you!


your dearly beloved husband

____-__-__ __:__

情侣之间保证书怎么写 篇3


1、 男方每月上缴女方返乡探亲费100元。如本年度女方并无返乡打算,则所留费用奖励女方。

2、 男方另外支付100元人民币每月,供女方做化妆费用。如若不够女方自行解决。

3、 女方享受每月打男方1次的权利,权利不可以累计,年终用不完的打人次数自动清零。

4、 女方每周可以在可行性范围内提一个要求,男方不得反抗,女方可以随意挑选地点、时间。

5、 男方负责做饭,每天都要三菜一汤,一个星期内一道菜不可以重复两次以上,并负责收拾碗筷。洗碗由女方负责。家务同时也主要由女方承担。

6、 男方要定期给女方买衣服,具体额度女方自己掌握,不过以一次不超过300元人民币为限度。

7、 男方不得和女方争电视,但是女方所观看之节目要同时为男方所接受,否则男方可以换台。

8、 男方不得与女方争洗手间,即使内急也不行,女士优先。

9、 男方偷看其他美女被抓获,将被适当罚款,或者用罚站方式抵补,时间由女方掌握。女方如若偷看帅哥,男方要自我检讨。

10、 男方每天要夸奖女方漂亮。但是女方不可嫌弃男方长相。

11、 男方每月出差时间不得超过三天,否则将被罚款,超过一天罚款200元人民币。

12、 男方每年至少带女方出去旅游一次,距离在__公里以内。

13、 其他事宜,由女方提出,可以适当增减,男方无权反对,也无权提出议案。前提是必须在可实施范围内,不得伤害男方。




