> 条据信函 > 感谢信


发布时间:2024-04-18 热度:78


2024英文感谢信 篇1


sample interview thank you letter

your name

your address

your city, state, zip code

your phone number

your email






city, state, zip code

dear mr./ms. last name:

it was very enjoyable to speak with you about the assistant account e_ecutive position at the smith agency. the job, as you presented it, seems to be a very good match for my skills and interests. the creative approach

to account management that you described confirmed my desire to work with you.

in addition to my enthusiasm, i will bring to the position strong writing skills, assertiveness and the ability to

encourage others to work cooperatively with the department. my artistic background will help me to work

with artists on staff and provide me with an understanding of the visual aspects of our work.

i understand your need for administrative support. my detail orientation and organizational skills will help to

free you to deal with larger issues. i neglected to mention during my interview that i had worked for two summers as a temporary office worker. this e_perience helped me to develop my secretarial and clerical skills.

i appreciate the time you took to interview me. i am very interested in working for you and look forward to

hearing from you about this position.


your signature

your typed name

2024英文感谢信 篇2


dear __,

thanks for your support to our company in the last year.we really appreciate our cooperation.and we hope we can continue our good businessrelationship and interactivity for the ne_t year.



__ position

__ company

2024英文感谢信 篇3



dear mom and dad,

although we can keep in virtual touch every day by means of msn or e-mails, i still feel it not enough to let you know how much i love you and how much i’ve appreciated the things you’ve done for me. i find that it will never be too much to say thank you to you, my beloved parents.

first, i want to thank you for making all your efforts to bring me up. i was told that you were short of money when i was born and it became even more difficult for a young couple to raise a child without any help from elder generation. so i appreciate your careful nursing very much for giving me a good health and the feeling of being loved.

second, i want to thank you for your good education on me. there is an old saying goes like this parents are the first teacher to their children. yes, you are the typical ones. you were so strict with me that i told my kindergarten teacher of my wonder about whether i was the child of yours, not the one picked up from street. touching on this soft spot deeply in my heart, vivid memories came flooding back. i won’t forget the scene of my first and also the last lie found out by you. i couldn’t stop trembling all over. i was ashamed to cry when you beat me. i thought i deserved this punishment and told myself to keep away from telling lies from then on.

i won’t forget how much you’ve impressed on me to love books and reading. even in the most difficult time, you still spared me some money for the books i was fond of. my love of books never diminished and later led me toward writing articles myself. so many times, i have felt a sense of content when i saw your smiling faces on reading my articles, good or bad. in fact, this graduated into one of my habits of sharing everything i achieved with you and feeling content with your smiles i’m so foolish to try to write all the things you’ve done in my favor. if it is possible, this letter must be endless.

so, the most important thing that i want to say thank you for is your great admiration on my own freedom. you never forced me to do anything i was not interested in, even you had already known that i would regret not doing it. you never forbade me to do anything i was truly interested in and supported me financially and mentally. you told me to look over the horizons and to pursuit my own dreams without hesitation. you also told me to consider everything carefully before getting start. oh, wherever i go, i can see your eager eyes whenever i am, i can touch your genuine hearts. you’ve been loving me heart and soul, how can i repay your marvelous love to me?

i really feel that my pen fails me when i am writing this thank you letter. luckily, may holiday is coming. it will give me the most e_cellent opportunity to e_press my heartfelt gratitude to you----coming home and share more time together with you. yours

wang minyuan

2024英文感谢信 篇4



dear parents:

is my parents, give me precious life; is parents, let me come to this beautiful planet; my parents, i propped up a shelter umbrella above me with love

at home, all good should be left to us; at night, we all sleep, and two familiar figures in busy, father is thinking for our future, mother is knitting sweaters for us. the sweater knitted by my mother not only warms my body, but warms my heart more.

i want to thank my parents, i want to say to their parents sincerely: ' you work hard.'

what to return your parents? what to honor your parents? there is only one answer: to repay them with outstanding achievements, can not let the blood of their parents.

thank you, my dear parents!


dear parents:

father and mother, you give me so big, people see people love, but smart, but i think my grades go down, every math test 86 or 90, unknowingly, i have no confidence power, but i believe, you will support me, you wait for my good news! i promise you one day will be happy for my achievement.

once, i took a composition class, and the teacher asked us to buy a gift for my parents with my own year's money, thank them for the kindness, i don't think about: 38 section bought a chic corsage, father's day for dad a beautiful tie or a delicate watch. they all broken the heart for this jiacao, i want to have a daughter's responsibility.

i want to say to my father and mother: my father and mother i always love you.


dear parents:

people say like mountains, motherly love like water. today i say to everyone that my mother loves me.

on the other night, i had a high fever, the highest temperature was 41 degrees, and the cold north wind mother took me to the hospital immediately, and went to my mother's feet. soon came to the hospital. the doctor gave me a medicine and a needle. mother gave me the medicine, ranhou took me home again. the north wind whistled. shave mother's face like a knife. i entered sweet dreams. in the morning i got up and saw me sleeping in bed, but mother fell asleep on the sofa. i didn't dare to turn over for fear of waking my mother. therefore, people often say fuairushan, maternal love like water.

thank my mother, she gave me life, she let me from a seedling to grow into the sky big tree.

2024英文感谢信 篇5




dear mr. yu/ president,

(p1) with great honor, i would like to e_tend to you my most heartfelt thanks for your hospitality at your reception party on (e_act and clear information about the occasion).

(p2) (why do you thank him for what) it was a greattime as….., and what impressed me most during the party is your e_cellent organization and team work, which ….. i feel ….

(p3) (congratulations) i would like, with equal honor,to e_press/give our most sincere congratulations to your company. (why they deserve the congratulations) from the party, in which you have shown greatability in organization and team work and client services, every one of us have envisioned a great future of your company. we are convinced that you will become a significant player in the market and will be great help/partner for us.

(p4) (request for action/good wish for future relationship) so we hope/are curious/are eager to …. /we are looking forward with strong eagerness to the day when ….and we achieve mutual prosperity.please feel free to contact us for any need, don’t hesitate to tell us when there is any service we can offer.

yours faithfully,


jackie lee

marketing manager

shanghai wordtronics translation & consulting co.,ltd.

2024英文感谢信 篇6



respected __ of __

greetings, i am writing this letter to thank you for your kind understanding of our moderate adjustments to our pricing policies. as you may have already known, the cost of the raw materials necessary to our production has moved up greatly in the last few years, and considering the fact that it is to the interests of both of our companies that we maintain a cooperation relationship, we have been by far trying to supprethe rise of product prices as best we can. but with the recent increase of labor cost, it has become impossible for us to leave prices the way they were, and thus the new pricing policy. you have shown great understanding when we announced our new price list, and that is certain to help increase our future cooperation, once again you have my thanks on behalf of the whole company. you are very welcome to continue ordering our products, we look forward to in depth cooperation between our two companies.

thank you, mr. gibson. i feel deeply indebted to you and i really dont know how to thank you enough for your help.its a great honor to be following in your footsteps as overseas sales manager.

to be honest, this promotion came as quite a surprise. id like to think its mainly a recognition of the teamwork, above and beyond the call of duty, in my department. on that same note, id like to thank all my colleagues in the company for their enthusiasm and hard work. due to their efforts, weve really gotten some overseas projects off the ground for action.

looking to the future, id still like to maintain contact with everyone, even though ill be working at the senior level. well, what im trying to say is i wont let this step-up go to my head. my door will always be open. thank you again.


● 感谢上级

1. its a great honor to be following in your footsteps as overseas sales manager.

2. its a privilege for me to be following in your footsteps as overseas sales manager.

3. its both an honor and a great thrill to be following in your footsteps.

要对提拔你的人致谢;its a great honor (privilege) to 是个很好的句型,to后面就接让你感到荣幸的事。

● 表示谦让

1. to be honest, this promotion came as quite a surprise.

2. truthfully, this promotion came as quite a surprise.

3. in all honesty, it was quite a surprise for me to get this promotion.

本段重点在于表示自己完全未曾预期升迁的谦虚心理。to be honest、truthfully或in all honesty是强调你说的都是真心话。quite a surprise,则是说十分令人意外的惊喜。

2024英文感谢信 篇7









非正式:(一般不考)——it depends

呼语: 特定的写信对象:dear __

不明确收信人:dear sir/madam, or to whom it may concern









yours sincerely,

li ming


dear jim,

i am writing to e_press my heartfelt gratitude. i am referring to that unfortunate accident the other day, when i was knocked off my bike by a ta_i.

if it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me first aid, i fear that the consequences might have been much more serious. everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that emergency that has led to this satisfactory outcome.

although nowadays people in mounting numbers talk about the need to be unselfish, we see very few people practice what they preach. if there were more people like you, this world would be a much nicer place.

yours sincerely,

li ming


dear jim,

i am writing to e_press my heartfelt gratitude. i am referring to.

if it had not been for your timely, i fear that . everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response and kindness that has led to this satisfactory outcome.

although nowadays people in mounting numbers talk about the need to be unselfish, we see very few people practice what they preach. if there were more people like you, this world would be a much nicer place.


yours sincerely,

li ming

2024英文感谢信 篇8


dear jhon,

how are things going on with you in beijing?

i am writing to e_press my thanks to you. you taught me in my spoken english before you went to beijing. with your help, i made such rapid progress that i won the first place in the spoken englishcompetition of the city. my success is owed to (归功于)your help. thank you very much.

i have heard that you and your wife will pay a visit to our school. i am very glad at the news. in that case, we can see each other again. i am looking forward to your coming. by the way, i have sent you a book as a small gift. i hope you will like it.


li hua

2024英文感谢信 篇9











dear prof. herthwell,


many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during our delegation’s recent visit to your university. it was nice of you to introduce me to so many famous professors and celebrated scholars at your university. we had a safe and sound trip home. now we have resumed our work.



2024英文感谢信 篇10


dear prof。 herthwell,

many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during our delegation’s recent visit to your university。 it was nice of you to introduce me to so many of your famous professors and celebrated scholars at your university。 we had a safe and sound trip home。 now we have resumed our work。

meanwhile, i hope you will someday pay a short visit to our university and give us some lectures on modern western economics。

please have no hesitation in writing to me if you want me to do something for you in china。

sincerely yours,

li dong


2024英文感谢信 篇11



dear daughter,

as we drove off from columbia, i wanted to write a letter to you to tell you all that is on my mind.

first, i want to tell you how proud we are. getting into columbia is a real testament of what a great well-rounded student you are. your academic, artistic, and social skills have truly blossomed in the last few years. whether it is getting the highest grade in calculus, completing your elegant fashion design, successfully selling your painted running shoes, or becoming one of the top orators in model united nations, you have become a talented and accomplished young woman. you should be as proud of yourself as we are.

i will always remember the first moment i held you in my arms. i felt a tingling sensation that directly touched my heart. it was an into_icating feeling i will always have. it must be that father-daughter connection which will bind us for life. i will always remember singing you lullaby while i rocked you to sleep. when i put you down, it was always with both relief (she finally fell asleep!) and regret (wishing i could hold you longer). and i will always remember taking you to the playground, and watching you having so much fun. you were so cute and adorable, and that is why everybody loved you so.

you have been a great kid ever since you were born, always quiet, empathetic, attentive, and well-mannered. you were three when we built our house. i remember you quietly followed us every weekend for more than ten hours a day to get building supplies. you put up with that boring period without a fuss, happily ate hamburgers every meal in the car, sang with barney until you fell asleep. when you went to sunday chinese school, you studied hard even though it was no fun for you. i cannot believe how lucky we are as parents to have a daughter like you.

you have been an e_cellent elder sister. even though you two had your share of fights, the last few years you have become best friends. your sister loves you so much, and she loves to make you laugh. she looks up to you, and sees you as her role model. as you saw when we departed, she misses you so much. and i know that you miss her just as much. there is nothing like family, and other than your parents, your sister is the one person who you can trust and confide in. she will be the one to take care of you, and the one you must take care of. there is nothing we wish more than that your sisterhood will continue to bond as you grow older, and that you will take care of each other throughout your lives. for the ne_t four years, do have a short video chat with her every few days, and do email her when you have a chance.

college will be the most important years in your life. it is in college that you will truly discover what learning is about. you often question what good is this course. i encourage you to be inquisitive, but i also want to tell you : education is what you have left after all that is taught is forgotten. what i mean by that is the materials taught isn’t as important as you gaining the ability to learn a new subject, and the ability to analyze a new problem. that is really what learning in college is about – this will be the period where you go from teacher-taught to master-inspired, after which you must become self-learner. so do take each subject seriously, and even if what you learn isn’t critical for your life, the skills of learning will be something you cherish forever.

do not fall into the trap of dogma. there is no single simple answer to any question. remember during your high school debate class, i always asked you to take on the side that you don’t believe in? i did that for a reason -- things rarely black and white, and there are always many ways to look at a problem. you will become a better problem solver if you recognized that. this is called critical thinking, and it is the most important thinking skill you need for your life. this also means you need to become tolerant and supportive of others. i will always remember when i went to my ph.d. advisor and proposed a new thesis topic. he said i don’t agree with you, but i’ll support you. after the years, i have learned this isn’t just fle_ibility, it is encouragement of critical thinking, and an empowering style of leadership, and it has become a part of me. i hope it will become a part of you too.

follow your passion in college. take courses you think you will enjoy. don’t be trapped in what others think or say. steve jobs says when you are in college, your passion will create many dots, and later in your life you will connect them. in his great speech given at stanford commencement , he gave the great e_ample where he took calligraphy, and a decade later, it became the basis of the beautiful macintosh fonts, which later ignited desktop publishing, and brought wonderful tools like microsoft word to our lives. his e_pedition into calligraphy was a dot, and the macintosh became the connecting line. so don’t worry too much about what job you will have, and don’t be too utilitarian, and if you like japanese or korean, go for it, even if your dad thinks it’s not useful. :) enjoy picking your dots, and be assured one day you will find your calling, and connect a beautiful curve through the dots.

do your best in classes, but don’t let pressure get to you. your mother and i have no e_pectations for your grades. if you graduate and learn something in your four years, we would feel happy. your columbia degree will take you far, even if you don’t graduate with honors. so please don’t give yourself pressure。during your last few months in high school, you were so happy because there was little pressure and college applications are finished. but in the past few weeks, we saw you are beginning to worry (did you know you bite your nails when you are nervous?). please don’t be worried. the only thing that matters is that you learned. the only metric you should use is that you tried. grades are just silly letters that give the vain people something to brag, and the lazy people something to fear. you are too good to be either.

most importantly, make friends and be happy. college friends are often the best in life, because during college you are closer to them physically than to your family. also, going through independence and adulthood is a natural bonding e_perience. pick a few friends and become really close to them – pick the ones who are genuine and sincere to you. don’t worry about their hobbies, grades, looks, or even personalities. you have developed some real friendships in high school in your last two years, so trust your instinct, and make new friends. you are a genuine and sincere person – anyone would enjoy being your friend, so be confident, outgoing, and pro-active. if you think you like someone, tell her. you have very little to lose. give people the benefit of the doubt; don’t stereotype and be forgiving. people are not perfect, so as long as they are genuine and sincere, trust them and be good to them. they will give back. this is my secret of success – that i am genuine with people and trust them (unless they do something to lose my trust). some people tell me that occasionally i would be taken advantage of. they are right, but i can tell you that that loss is nothing compared to what i gained. in my last 18 years leading people, i have realized that only one thing matters – to gain the trust and respect of others, and to do so, you need to trust and respect others first. whether it is for management, work, or friendship, this is something you should ponder.

do keep your high school friends, and stay connected to them, but do not use them as substitutes for college friendship, and do not spend too much time with them, because that would eat into your time to make new friends.

start planning for your summers early – what would you like to do? where would you like to live? what would you like to learn? what have you learned in college that might change your mind? i think your plan of studying fashion is good, and you should decide where you want to be, and get into the right courses. we of course hope you come back to beijing, but you should go where you think is best for you.

whether it is summer-planning, or coursework planning, or picking a major, or managing your time, you should take control of your life. in the past, i have helped you quite a bit, whether it is in college application, designing your e_tracurricular activities, or picking the initial coursework. i will always be there for you, but the time has come for you to be in the driver’s seat – this is your life, and you need to be in control. i will always remember the e_hilarating feeling in my life – that i got to decide to skip kindergarten, that i got to decide to change to computer science major, that i got to decide to leave academia for apple, that i got to decide to go to china, that i got to decide to go to google, and most recently, that i got to decide to start my own business. being able to decide means you get to live the life that you want to. life is too short to live the life others do or others want you. being in control feels great. try it, and you’ll love it!

i told your mom i’m writing this letter, and asked what she wanted me to say. she thought and said: just ask her to take care of herself. simple but deeply caring – that is how your mother is, and that is why you love her so much. in this simple sentence is her hope that you will become independent in the way you take care of yourself – that you will remember to take your medicine, that you will get enough sleep, that you will have a balanced diet, that you will get some e_ercise, and that you will go see a doctor whenever you don’t feel good. an ancient chinese proverb says that the most important thing to be nice to your parents is to take care of yourself. this is because your parents love you so much, and that if you are well, they will have comfort. you will understand this one day when you become a mother. but in the meantime, please listen to your mother and take care of yourself.

college is the four years where you have:

the greatest amount of free time

the first chance to be independent

the most fle_ibility to change

the lowest risk for making mistakes

so please treasure your college years – make the best of your free time, become an independent thinker in control of your destiny, evolve yourself into a bi-cultural talent, be bold to e_periment, learn and grow through your successes and challenges.

when i faced the greatest challenge and opportunity in my life in 20__, you gave me a big hug and said bonne chance, which means good luck and good courage. now i do the same for you. bonne chance, my angel and princess. may columbia become the happiest four years in your life, and may you blossom into just what you dream to be.


dad (& mom)

2024英文感谢信 篇12



dear mom,

thank you for everything you have ever given me,both materially and spiritually! you truly are an amazing woman and i do not tell you enough how much i love you and how much you have shaped my life.without you i would not be the person i am today!i would not have the drive or determination to go after my goals and ambitions in life. you have given me a great e_ample of how a woman can surpass all e_pectations and fully succeed in all aspects of life.not only are you a wonderful mother,but also a very successful business owner,and published writer.i look up to you in every way,as a mother,a business woman in a male dominated world,and as a dream fulfiller in your published work.with you as my e_ample i know that i can achieve all that i want to achieve in life.

you give me hope that all my dreams can be fulfilled!i know i do not ever say this or even act like i think this,but your life truly blows me away.i think you are an amazing person both inside and out and even though we often do not get along i know that i always have a superb woman in my life to look up to.i hope that one day in the future i can be half the woman you are.

thank you!

with love,

your little girl

2024英文感谢信 篇13


dear customer:

we regret that your order is being returned to you due to the reason(s) checked below. unfortunately, prices of equipment are constantly changing and these changes are often not reflected in our advertising due to the months between preparing advertising copy and its publication.

shipping and handling are also variable, so please include the proper charges if that is the reason that your order cannot be processed. it is always best to call us when more than one item is requested, to obtain e_act shipping costs for your order.

from time to time items are discontinued and, though this is beyond our control, we will be happy to suggest products which are suitable. please give us a call on our inquiry line (304) 739-8723.

thank you for your patience, and we hope to serve you when the problem with your order noted below is corrected.

(_) item requested is no longer available.

(_) item requested is not yet available

(_) invalid credit card number. please check your card.

(_) insufficient postage and/or handling. please add $____ for shipping.

(_) price change. the new price is $ 145.75

(_) other:_________________________________

additional notes: the product has been upgraded - the new version performs better than the original version, which has been discontinued.

begin your letter like this:

12 april 19——

dear mr stafford,

your order #767 999 for ten c_ 99 processors

i am sorry to inform you that we have been unable to process this order and i am returning it to you for your attention.


2024英文感谢信 篇14


dear sue,

i am writing to e_press my heart felt gratitudeto you for your kindest help when i was involved in that terrible trafficaccident.



you saw how seriously i had been hurt when yourushed me to the hospital. i was hit from the back by a ta_i and was thrownforward for at least three meters. though i did not lose my consciousness, thesharp pain was really killing me. if it had not been for your timelyassistance, giving me first aid and sent me to hospital right away, i fear thatthe consequences might have been much more serious.


the doctor said that my wounds are healingquickly and that i would be able to stand up again in a week’s time. inaddition, the ta_i company has agreed to pay my hospital bills.


anyway, everyone agrees that it was yourquick-witted response in this emergency that has led to this satisfactoryresult. i feel i owe you so much, so please accept my most sincere thanks.


best wishes,




2024英文感谢信 篇15



dear prof. herthwell,


many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during our delegation’s recent visit to your university. it was nice of you to introduce me to so many famous professors and celebrated scholars at your university. we had a safe and sound trip home. now we have resumed our work.


meanwhile, i hope you will someday pay a short visit to our university and give us some lectures on modern western economics.


please have no hesitation in writing to me if you want me to do something for you in china.


best wishes,

li dong









i am writing to e_press my thanks for...我写这封信是为了表达我对„„的谢意

i would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for... 在信中我要为……表达我真挚的谢意

many thanks for all the good things you have done in helping us to...非常感谢您为帮助我们 ___ 所做的一切。

i would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for...

i feel deeply indebted to you and i really don't know how to thank you enough for your help.

on behalf of my whole family, i would like to e_tend my sincere gratitude for...我谨代表我全家对___表示真诚的感激之情。

my true gratitude is beyond any words description.任何语言都不能表达我的真挚谢意。


i would like to take this opportunity to e_press my great appreciation for your timely help and assistance.我谨借此机会感谢您给予我们的及时帮助和支持。

nothing will be able to erase our wonderful memories, we will nurture them forever.没什么能抹掉我们美好的记忆,我们会永远铭刻在心。

thanks again for your kind help.对你的帮助再次表示感谢。

please accept my thanks, now and always.请永远记住我的谢意。

your help is very much appreciated by each one of us.我们每个人都非常感谢你

i must thank you again for your generous help.

i am most grateful for your selfless donation.

my true gratitude is beyond the word's description.

i feel most obliged to thank you once more.

2024英文感谢信 篇16



dear zhang_uan:

i am writing this letter to thank. first, i must thank the god, for letting me meet with you, my best friend throughout my life. and then, thank you very much for staying with me all the time.

from the time we know each other, every time when i meet with troubles, you always try your best to help me. when i am sad or unhappy, you always comfort me to make me forget the sad things. and you usually share your good and happy e_periences with me……all these make me delighted. although you are in tianjin now, i believe we still stay together.

because of you, i feel the life is wonderful. meeting with you is really a good thing. at last, i have only a sentence want to say——my dear friend, thank you.



2024英文感谢信 篇17



i am writing to e_tend my sincere gratitude for __________________(感谢的原因). if it had not been for your assistance in __________________(对方给你的具体帮助), i fear that i would have been ___________________(没有对方帮助时的后果).

every one agrees that it was you who ___________________________(给出细节). again, i would like to e_press my warm thanks to you! please accept my gratitude.

yours sincerely

li ming

2024英文感谢信 篇18


hi, everyone

thanks so much! (7)


(1)英文信函的习惯是开门见山,段落的第一个句子常常是该段落的主题句(topic sentence),d like to thank each of you for making my birthday a great day很清楚地表达了写信的目的。类似的主题句还有:thank you for spending so much time with me during my visit to your headquarters on monday.和leon and i are so grateful for your kindness during our stay in your house last week.



(4)be reluctant to: 不情愿的,舍不得的

(5)gift certificate:礼券

(6)generous: 丰厚的、丰盛的、大方的

(7)结尾时可以再次向对方表示感谢。类似的句子还有:thank you again for your time.thank you again for your generosity.

2024英文感谢信 篇19




dear mr. and mrs. smith,

i am now back to china safe and sound. in this letter i would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you and your lovely children for your kindness and hospitality to host me when i was in new york. your generous help and tender care made me feel warly welcomed and transformed my first american trip into a beautiful memory.

i do hope that your whole family pay a visit to china in future, so that i could have the opportunity to repay your friendship. i assure you that you would enjoy visiting here as i did at your home.

i feel obliged to thank you once more.


li ming








2024英文感谢信 篇20



dear sharon,

i am writing to tell you how very much i enjoyed the days at chicago.

everything was just about perfect. you certainly know how to make a guest feel at home. your delicious meals were a treat, and your fle_ibility in adapting to my irregular schedules made many things possible.

i hope you and peter know how i appreciate your hospitality, and your many kindnesses to me. i count myself fortunate indeed to have two such generous charming friends!

with thanks again and best wishes to you.





