> 条据信函 > 求职信


发布时间:2024-03-30 热度:92


英文优秀求职信范文02 篇1


april 13,__ p.o. bo_ 36tsinghua universitybeijing,china 100084dear sir/madam:your advertisement for a network maintenance engineer in the april 10 student daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds e_actly like the kind of job i am seeking. according to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,bachelor or above in computer science or equivalent field and proficient in windows nt4.0 and linu_ system. i feel that i am competent to meet the requirements. i will be graduating from graduate school of tsinghua university this year with a m.s. degree . my studies have included courses in computer control and management and i designed a control simulation system developed with microsoft visual interdev and sql server. during my education, i have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. not only have i passed cet-6, but more important i can communicate with others freely in english. my ability to write and speak english is out of question. i would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.i would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview. with many thanks, wang lin

英文优秀求职信范文02 篇2


英文求职信的自我介绍篇dear sir/madam:


i am ____ college financial management professional graduates, i am very honored to be very pleased to participate in your companys competitive position, and is willing to contribute to the future development of your company.

in the past three years, in the strict lessons and personal efforts of teachers and friends, i have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, systematically mastered the knowledge of financial accounting, cost accounting, financial management and related contents and subjects, can independently accomplish the financial statements prepared and needle on a report for financial analysis, cost accounting, internal control and so on. the use of spare time after e_tensive reading a lot of books, not only enrich themselves, but also cultivate their various skills.

more importantly, the rigorous style of study and correct learning attitude shape me carefully, simple, stable, innovative personality characteristics. several social practice is to cultivate a good team spirit. i think the most important is to cultivate the fun of learning and work, to master the new knowledge of learning methods, positive and progressive attitude towards life and work. i believe that in order to live and work, just work; and in order to study and work, not only work, but also to create.

i love your company engaged in the cause, eagerly e_pect to use my youthful vigor under your leadership, my enthusiasm, diligence sureness to contribute to this glorious cause; and make me in the practice of continuous learning and progress. i believe i have a solid foundation and the usual practice of accumulation, must be able to do your companys requirements.

of course, as a college student, the biggest weakness is the lack of e_perience. but i will everything from set out actually, i believe that from an early age to develop the hard-working spirit will help me as soon as possible to integrate into the work, in work modestly to old staff consults, the study and correct their own shortcomings, make up their own inadequacies, try our best to for the companys development as a modest force.

finally, thank you for your busy schedule to read my resume and sincerely wish your company yong success ride the wind and waves!



英文优秀求职信范文02 篇3



on my graduation from college this fall,i am desirous of securing a position that will offer me opportunity in the field of import and e_port trading.knowing something of the scope and enterprise of your huge e_port department,i thought perhaps you would keep me in mind for a possible opening.

i am strong and alert,and shall be twenty years of age in july ne_t year.at present i am a student in the college of - but i shall graduate from the college this coming july,finishing the requirements in three years,i have had no business e_perience,but my college record has been good.a copy of my antecedents is enclosed for your reference.

dr.b.chao,president of the college of - will be glad to tell you more about my character and ability,i shall be glad to call at any time for an interview.

very truly yours








英文优秀求职信范文02 篇4





dear leaders:

hello! ___ university, i am a professional logistics management graduates. recently informed of your company are currently recruiting talented people, i can do the job of self-confidence, so wrote a letter specifically. thank you for taking the reading in a letter to my job. after four years of professional study logistics. i am master of modern logistics and related knowledge. ____ in the national logistics specialist vocational qualification certificate.

four-year university campus life and social practice, i continually challenge themselves, to develop innovative, value for the realization of their own to lay a solid foundation. while studying at the school teachers and has been unanimously endorsed by the students. as a professional logistics management graduates, and i look forward to start from the front-line positions to learn professional knowledge, and the actual work of combining the rapid accumulation of the most basic of e_perience, so the early stages of work, i look forward to engaging in the logistics actual operation.

i am in school is the best logistics marketing, this is because i love the decision, logistics management and marketing are my favorite professional, so i look forward to a combination of the two engaged in the logistics market ---- marketing. in college, i participated in many activities of social practice, and has done a number of companies in part-time jobs. for this reason that i have accumulated a wealth of practical e_perience, and greater emphasis on team spirit and collective concepts, a more e_plicit goal of my life.

i firmly believe that life needs to outline its own, different way of life there is not the same. the cause of the future to e_plore more on our own and struggle. i ask you to believe that the work of a serious and responsible attitude, if you can get the appreciation, practical action, i am going to trust you to return.谢谢.

i very much look forward to enter your company and the company's contribution to the development of a power of its own. i wish you success in his work. good health.



英文优秀求职信范文02 篇5



i have been told by mr.john l.pak,credit manager, the business book publishing,new york, with whom i believe you are acquainted,that you are e_pecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in june.i should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions.

you can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that i have had five years of varied e_perience in the book business.the companies for which i have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work i did while in their employ.

my work was in the credit department and in the accounting department in both companies,with some e_perience also in inventory control. in both positions,i have been assigned with the daily office administration.the courses taken at central commercial and the bron_ community college specifically prepare me for doing the accounting required in your department.

i hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you.if there is further information that you wish in the meantime,please let me know.i can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.

very truly yours

英文优秀求职信范文02 篇6



1.addressing letters,'dear sir:'or 'dear sirs:'as you know,many readers today are women.if gender is unclear,the salutation should be something like 'dear hiring manager,'or 'dear human resources manager.'

2.addressing letters,'to whom it may concern.'find out who will receive the correspondence,and address it personally.we received a letter addressed to 'dear whomever,'to which one consultant replied,'i'll answer to anything but this!'

3.enclosing a photo.skip the photo unless you're a model or an aspiring actor.

4.handwriting or typing over an old resume or letterhead.if you've moved,start over.changes on old documents aren't acceptable.

5.no signature.even if you type your name at the end of correspondence,you should sign the page in your own handwriting to give it a personal touch.

6.spelling errors.one applicant said he was well suited for 'writting and editing chores...contac t (sic) me at the adrwss (sic) below.'would you give him your editing work?another writer said she would enjoy 'hearing form (sic) us.'word processing spell checkers make mistakes;so proof everything.

7.not checking grammar.one person wrote,'it sounds e_citing and give me (sic) the opportunity to use my skills.'check your letters for correct sentence structure.have friends review them too.

8.handwriting letters.brief 30-word thank you notes can be handwritten,if legible.all other correspondence should be typewritten or word processed,even if you have to borrow a word processor or pay a secretarial service.handwritten letters don't say 'business.'

9.using a post-it brand note(随意贴便条) as a letter.post-it brand notes aren't letters.using one says,'this isn't important.i was too busy to write a real letter.'

10.using the word 'i'too much.some letters are filled with 20 or 30 i's.make sure yours aren't.advertising is about 'you.'emphasize 'you'rather than 'i.'

11.fa_ing letters une_pectedly.

12.forgetting to include your phone number.one woman wrote,'please call me at home,'but didn't include a phone number.that looked bad.

13.cluttered desktop publishing.with the advent of pcs,some job seekers feel the urge to 'be creative'using various type sizes and fonts.avoid this in business correspondence.e_cept in rare cases,business letters should look conservative.if you want to be creative,do so in your choice of words.save microsoft publisher and corel draw for your christmas cards.

14.using a post office bo_ as an address.e_cept in rare cases,such as conducting a confidential job search,use a street address.post office bo_es seem 'transient.'15.oddball phrasing,such as 'an opportunity to e_pand my strengths and delete my weaknesses...'or,'you may feel that i'm a tad overqualified.'or,'enclosed herewith please find my resume.'do you talk that way?you should write the way you talk.avoid bad phrasing by having others critique your letters.

16.typos,like 'thankyou for your assistance.'

17.mailing form letters.some letters contain 'fill in the blanks.'generic forms don't work well.

18.not saying enough.one want ad letter read,'please accept my enclosed resume for the position of e_ecutive director.thank you.'that's too short.a letter is an opportunity to sell.so say something about yourself.

19.ending with 'thank you for your consideration.'everyone ends their letters this way,so please don't.try something different,like 'i'm e_cited about talking further,'or 'i know i could do a good job for you.'the same goes for 'sincerely,'and 'sincerely yours.'everyone uses them.find something different like 'good wishes,''with best regards,'or 'with great enthusiasm.'

20.writing in all caps.it's hard to read.don't do it.

21.abbreviating cir.,ave.,dec.,and all other words.take time to spell words out.it looks so much better.

22.forgetting to enclose your resume.if you say you're enclosing one,then do.

23.justifying right margins.when you 'justify right,'you create large gaps between words inside your sentences.

24.forgetting the date and/or salutation.

25.using dot matri_ printers.most are hard to read and they make you look like an engineer.whenever possible,use a laser printer,even if you have to borrow one.

26.talking nonsense.'i work in instilling proper conduits for mainstream educational connections while also encouraging individual creative forms.'what?run that one by me again.

27.forgetting to put the letter in the envelope.(i received an empty fede_ package yesterday.)

28.the 300-word paragraph.the worst mistake in marketing is writing too long.limit sentences to seven or eight words,and limit paragraphs to four or five lines.in letter writing,short is usually better.i try to limit my own letters to one page,seldom two.i believe if i can't say it well in one page,i probably can't say it well at all.

29.bonus tip from laurie schell.in an e-mail to me she said,'i thought you may want to add a number 29.as a manager my boyfriend reads a lot of cover letters and complains when he receives them with really small font.even a regular size font is hard to read if he has forgotten his glasses that day,and so small-font letters are immediately dismissed.'


英文优秀求职信范文02 篇7




(1)e_plain the reasons for writing the job search letter (简明写求职信的理由)

a. your advertisement for an assistant chemist on june 30 th newspaper arouses my interest a great deal.i hope to offer my service at you company because of my following qualifications; 贵公司在6月30日的报纸上登载的招聘助理药剂师的广告,引起了我极大的兴趣,我希望能到公司供职,以下是我所具备的任职资格;

b.in reply to your advertisement in yesterday wuhan evening paper,i respectfully offer my service for the position.


c. your very attractive advertisement in yesterday changjiang daily seemde made to order for meand me for the job.

你们在昨天的长江日报上登载的广告非常有吸引力。我恰好非常适合做这份工作。 d.this morning china daily carried your advertisement for a computer operator at a large company.


e. ability to organize marketing campaigns and to supervise employees.


f. si_ valuable years of e_perience in the retail grocery business,with both a small privately ownde chain and a large corporte chain.


g.direct first –hand knowledge of all phases of the business operation.


h.i should like to apply for the position mentioned in your advertisement in changjiang daily of october 18.


i.learning from mr.hong that you are looking for a sales manager,i should like to apply for the position.


j.in answer to your advertisement in today hubei daily for a secretary,i wish tender my service. 贵公司在今天湖北日报上登载的招聘秘书的广告,我希望能得到这个职位。

k.i would like to apply for the position of financial director you have advertised through the personnel market on chezhan road.


(2)e_plain the reasons for leaving your previous employment (说明你离开以前工作岗位的理由):

a.my reason for leaving my present employment is that i want to obtain broader e_perience in trading.


b.at present i have to leave my position as my presint employer have been forced to liquidate his business.


c.i have to leave my present job because i have little change to be promoted.


d.the only reason why i am leaving the present position is that i try to win another opportunity to better myself.


e.on account of the discontimuance of business at the company,i left the office.


f.i would like to do with your company where the work will be more diversifiedand on a higher creative level.


h.my present job can not offer me much chance for me to tap my potential in the field of computer.but the job you advertised on the newspaper is what i have desired to apply for ,because it offers me

贵公司在人才市场刊登的广告中所提供的工作,向我的能力提出了更大的挑战。 i. there is no prospect of promotion where i am at present and i would like something more challenging.


(3)e_press the demand for the starting salary (表示希望得到的起始薪金)

a.i hesitate to state a definite salary. but ,so long as you have requested me to do so, i should consider 1500 yuan a month satisfactory.


b.i am willing to serve on probation for some months at a small salary.


c..although it is difficult for me to determine what kind of salary level i can meet,i should consider 1000 yuan a month appropriate.


d.i am willing to start with a smal salary.


e.my present job pays 15000 yuan a year, in additon to health benefits and bonuses.i am looking to start here at 1200 yuan or above that figure with periodic inceases based on performance on the job ,plus the usual benefits package.

我现在的工作待遇除了健康保险和奖金外每年还有15000元薪金。我想在贵公司工作的起点为每月1200元或更高,然后按工作表现,定期增加工资当然还包括一般的福利待遇。 f.i should require a commencing salary of 1000 yuan a month.

我需要的薪金起点是每个月 1000元。

(4)e_press strong personal qualities(表达个人的特长)

a.my resume shows my success in corrdination a busy schedule of collegiate studies,part–time jobs,and e_tracurricular a ctivitise. the presidency of the students union at the university provides evidence of the trait which you require for the growth of your company.


b.i have received a good education and learned taking notes in english shorthand.


c.during my summer job with a joint venture in tianjin,i gained a great deal of first –hand knowledge about foreign trade and learned how to communicate with people of defferent interests and backgrounds.


d.my education has provided me with a broad background in the field of foreign trade and sales promotion.


e. as a result of my e_perience in these two programs mentioned above, not only have a basic understanding of managerial processes, but also understand the terminology and viewpoint of professionals in data processing.


f. this educational background plus my courses and e_perience with computers certainly rquip me to be an asset to your financial management department.


g. my fluency in english and french is first–rate.



英文优秀求职信范文02 篇8



job application

may 22nd

dear mr. cavendish,

i saw your advertisement in the local paper this evening,and i wonder if you would consider me for a job as a waiter this summer.

i am seventeen years old and at present i am studying english and economics. when i leave school, i hope to take a course in hotel management. during the school holidays last summer, i worked as a waiter at the central hotel. the headwaiter there, mr. macintosh, will be pleased to send you a recommendation for me.

i would prefer to work in your hotel in filey because it is near my home. however, if there isn’t any job there for me, perhaps you could consider me for the scarborough hotel.

i would be pleased if you will send me information about the pay and conditions of the job to be offered. i will be free to begin work in the fourth week of july when the school holidays start.

yours sincerely,

peter tuck

[168 words]













recommendation n.推荐,介绍


will, work and wait are the pyramidal cornerstones for success. 意志、工作和等待是成功的基石。

a good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者必善其终。


i have seen your advertisement in the for an assistant accountant, and should be grateful if you would consider a short account of my character and capabilities.

for the last three years i have been employed as a junior accountant by a firm of import and e_port garment merchants where the wide field of work to be covered has given me a good all-round knowledge of accounts. to supplement my practical knowledge, i have taken evening courses of accounting and i/e garment in the hong kong city university. i feel that you could safely entrust a set of books to my care.

you will find enclosed the resume and a testimonial from the head professor of hong kong city university who has kindly offered to provide you with any further details you may require.

your company is one of the top ten i/e garment company in hong kong. i trust that you will consider this application favorably and i wish to assure you that i should make every effort to be worthy of the confidence you may place in me.

sincerely yours





first please allow me to e_tend the sincere regards and thegood wish to you! heartfelt thank you in spite of being very busy toglance through my this material, and wishes the e_pensive unitenterprise to be prosperous, progresses day by day!


i am 中山大学 electronic information project specialized 2,007 sessionsof graduates, in the near future learned your firm is advertising forthe talented person, i hoped can arrive has the opportunity to yourfirm work.

在校期间,我勤奋学习专业知识,并为其投入了巨大的热情和精力.在认真学习课本知识的同时,我积极参加校内外的实践活动,并获得了一些成绩。如单片机开发设计、pcb layout以及网页设计等方面。大学四年让我的 英语 水平有所进步,并顺利的通过了国家 英语 六级 考试 ,具备了一定的听、说、读、写能力,有阅读专业文献的英文功底.

in school period, i diligently study the specialized knowledge, andinvested the huge enthusiasm and the energy for it while earnestlystudies the te_tbook knowledge, i positively participate in inside andoutside the school practice, and has obtained some result. ifmonolithic integrated circuit development design, aspect and so on pcblayout as well as homepage design. the university four years let myenglish proficiency have progress, and smooth passed the nationalenglish si_ levels of tests, had certainly certainly have listened to,to say, to read, write the ability, had the reading specializedliterature english foundation of basic skills

我具备较好的计算机知识和应用能力,能熟练掌握基本应用软件的使用,并能使用c、汇编、vb、html等语言进行编程。另外我还能运用multisim、protel、pspice、auto cad等专业软件进行相关工作,并多次参加了校内组织的工程实践.利用课余时间我学习了有关网页设计、平面设计以及视频采编的一些知识,能熟练运用网页三剑客制作网页,并能用photoshop、acdsee等图像处理软件进行有关的设计工作,有使用adobe premiere pro软件编辑完整视频方案的经历.

i have the better computer knowledge and the application ability, canskilled grasp the basic application software the use, and can uselanguage and so on c, assembly, vb, html carries on the programming.moreover i also can using multisim, protel, pspice, auto cad and so onspecialized software carry on the correlation work, and participatedin the project practice many times which in the school organizes ihave studied some knowledge using 课余时间 which the relatedhomepage design, the plane design as well as the video frequency picksarranges, can skilled manufacture the homepage using the homepagethree swordsmen, and can use picture processing software and so onphotoshop, acdsee to carry on the related design work, has uses adobepremiere the pro software editor complete video frequency plan thee_perience


my hope study has uses, to long for own knowledge can obtain thepractice the e_amination, looked forward to the practice will be ableto enrich my work e_perience and the ability glorious future.


'the great ambition can sometimes, directly link up the cloud sail toaid the sea', i sincerely hoped alliance your firm, i surely can by befull warm and the tenacious disposition diligent work, with colleague精诚 cooperation, for the e_pensive unit‘s strength of developmentown meagre strength.

随信附上 简历 和其他材料一份,如需更深了解,期盼您的 面试 !

along with letter enclosed resume and other material, if must a deeperunderstanding, hope for your interviewing!




april 13,__

p.o. bo_ 36 biit university beijing,china 100000

dear sir/madam:

are you searching for a telecommunications manager with e_pertise in project management and team leadership?

i specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. in addition to my knowledge of business processes, i also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies.

i am relocating to shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. currently, i serve as manager for bit company‘s information industry division. briefly, some of my accomplishments include:

developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance

implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and sql database

my business acumen, technical e_pertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects. the enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. i would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.


gu bin


求职信范文 中英文版









英文优秀求职信范文02 篇9


dear sir/madam:

i am writing to inquire about any vacancy for a nurse in your hospital.i have been working in a grade two class a hospital as a nurse since i graduated from college ten years ago, meanwhile, i am now also taking my further education in zhongshan university. by considering about my personnel development in future, i am looking forward to working in a higher grade hospital where i can learn and e_perience more than where now i do.

in a view of so many top grade hospitals , you distinguished hospital is considered as my best choice and preferred place i would like to move to. please kindly consider me as a candidate if there is any. again thanks for drawing your attention to my application letter.

best regards!



( ps.the attached file of my resume for your information)

英文优秀求职信范文02 篇10


dear sir/madam:

are you searching for a telecommunications manager with e_pertise in project management and team leadership?

i specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications

companies. in addition to my knowledge of business processes, i also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies.

i am relocating to shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. currently, i serve as manager for bit company‘s information industry division. briefly, some of my accomplishments include:

developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance,implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and sql database

my business acumen, technical e_pertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects. the enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. i would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.


gu bin



i wish to apply for the position advertised in . i feel that i am competent to meet the requirements which you have specified.

i am twenty-seven years of age. after graduating from school i took a two year's business course in city commercial college. since graduating i have worked for three years in a lawyer's office, where i am at present employed. i now wish to enter an office where the work requires greater individual responsibility and judgement than here, and where there is more opportunity for advancement.

i have permission to refer you to mr. james white, principal of the city college, for statements as to my character and ability. if your wish further references, please communicate with mr. horace greene, president of the taipan wood company.

very truly yours


dear leaders:

hello: thank you very busy schedule to read my personal statement!

my name is ___, yes ____ vocational and technical college 200_ term students, professional is the road administration, school classes during the tam highways 07301 sports member and life member of the school and teachers are alike. hanchuang years of studying, i time in accordance with 'wide professional, deep foundation, strong capacity, high-quality' standard to the training and development of self, in the continuous learning and practice to improve their overall quality, has established himself as a solid professional foundation of knowledge structured and adaptable, collaborative spirit of the era of rich young people. college to study and grow honed my will, to improve my accomplishment! 'no pain, no gain'! i will e_ert my utmost efforts, working hard to realize their own value of life. as a new century, college students, i had a kind of dare to recommend yourself for daring to e_plore and innovative spirit. honest and upright character made me really understand how to use and to pay to acquire someone else‘s return, i will use the efforts and wisdom to fight for my space, so that the community to accommodate me.

just before graduation, i began to further study and improve their practical ability to better work in the future for your company‘s development of the best i can for the cause of our province highways contribute their youth.

i will treasure every opportunity to grasp. at school during which i develop a good learning attitude, and organizational and management capacity, i believe that future work will play a significant role. i consider myself fit and competent in this post, make achievements for the company to create value is my goal, is now handed my resume!

i will be your company as a new starting point in my life, if fortunate enough to become a member of your company, would be my great honor, i will in future work with a good work attitude and e_cellent performance, to reward the company. the limited time i will work that into the infinite. looking forward to your company for giving me a chance, i will also honor you.



job seekers: ___


i wish to apply for the position advertised in . i feel that i am competent to meet the requirements which you have specified.

i am twenty-seven years of age. after graduating from school i took a two year's business course in city commercial college. since graduating i have worked for three years in a lawyer's office, where i am at present employed. i now wish to enter an office where the work requires greater individual responsibility and judgement than here, and where there is more opportunity for advancement.

i have permission to refer you to mr. james white, principal of the city college, for statements as to my character and ability. if your wish further references, please communicate with mr. horace greene, president of the taipan wood company.

very truly yours






英文优秀求职信范文02 篇11



dear sirs,

i am a senior of computer science in shanghai university of technology。 i would like to work as an intern for an it company。 as i have a wide interest in computer, i will do whatever job assigned to me, in software development or in technical support。 one of my strong points is that i am able to work conscientiously under great pressure。 the more challenging my task is, the better。

my main purpose is just to put into practice what i have learned from the classroom in the past few years and to learn about my own ability in practical work。 i do not take remuneration into consideration。

i am enclosing a resume and looking forward to hearing from you。

yours respectfully,

wang guoqing

英文优秀求职信范文02 篇12



dear mr.smith,

ms.maria mayor of your company has told me that your department needs a managerial assistant,and i want to apply for the position.i graduated from the university of business and economy last year.my major was human resource.i have some business e_perience that i believe qualifies me for the position..

i am really interested in learning business practices.i am a diligent worker and a fast learner.if given a chance,i am sure i can prove my worth in your company.

i am available during the weekdays in the morning for an interview.please find my resume enclosed.i look forward to hearing from you.

sincerely yours,

betty scavo

英文优秀求职信范文02 篇13


dear mr. director,

i am currently working on master degree in international commercial law at fu dan university. my supervisor mr. liu mingyu, a well-know professor of law,

tells me that sfsc specializes in recommending qualified personnel to muti-national companies and suggests that i contact you for recommendation.

during the two years of studies at fu dan university, i have not only acquired a lot of knowledge of international commercial law, but learned two

foreign languages as well -english and japanese. moreover, i have published two papers in the university journal on problems that may arise after china's

entry to wto. and they have been favorably accepted.

i am enclosing a resume, copies of my published papers, and professor liu's letter of recommendation.

i sincerely hope you wil introduce me to a famous multi-national company, to which i will dedicate myself.

truly yours,

lin _iaolin



英文优秀求职信范文02 篇14




april 13,20__

room 212 building 343

tsinghua university,beijing 10_____

ms. yang:

i was referred to you by mr. zhang, a partner with your beijing office, who informed me that the shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire quality individuals for your auditor program.

i have more than two years of accounting e_perience, including interning as an auditor last year with the beijing office of cccc. i will be receiving my mba this may from tsinghua university. i am confident that my combination of practical work e_perience and solid educational e_perience has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to your company. i understand the level of professionalism and communication required for long-term success in the field. my background and professional approach to business will provide your office with a highly productive auditor upon completion of your development program.

i will be in the shanghai area the week of april 16. please call me at 1______________1 to arrange a convenient time when we may meet to further discuss my background in relation to your needs. i look forward to meeting you then.


英文优秀求职信范文02 篇15



dear sir / madam:

how are you!

first of all please accept my most sincere gratitude, thank you for your busy schedule to open in the cover letter.

my name is ..... automation, chongqing institute of technology school graduates in 2024 and now has become academic, employment soon. such as to have the opportunity to have a reputation for your business effectiveness, will be my choice without any regrets.

i have always to an e_cellent standard compound talents strict demands on themselves, the stringent requirements of teachers and bumpy road to study the culture of my firm and indomitable perseverance, the spirit of hard work, hard personality, makes me good at grasping the difficulties direction, and has made progress in many aspects. training on the personal qualities i have been to the 'multi-skill' the goal of unremitting struggle.

i have learned the undergraduate professional for automation, through assiduous study, has acquired a solid professional foundation. in the automatic detection, automatic control has considerable skills, the design of automatic control system can be independent. regular participation in school organizations, electronic design and mathematical modeling contest, and achieved e_cellent results. also, the computer connection, as well as familiarity with the c language, assembly language programming, matlab, protel, such as software, computer networks, software development foundation and wold, e_cel applications, such as skilled, and i have been working to learn english knowledge, listen to a certain e_tent , speaking, reading and writing ability of the types of computers and automation have to master english. related to the english translation of the article in general.

in addition, i have always attached great importance to practice and research abilities, as in-school period, participated in metalworking practice, e-training, and in 2003, sichuan changhong electric co., ltd. participated in the training involved in the manufacture, installation, debugging and so on the whole process, not only to improve their practical ability, the work of the spirit of leadership and staff of the company's favorable cooperation with the students participated in the design of electronic design and digital electronic design, through a series of practice and research, i have a strong ability to integrate theory with practice .

after-school time, i actively participated in social work, at school i was the cadres, the party branch secretaries who ban corporations, life member of the activities of a number of successful organizations, so that our class has a strong cohesion, optimistic personality, passion, integrity, good interpersonal relations, since these will do a good job and lay a good foundation.

time four-year university, i have enriched the knowledge, increase competence, but also gives me more confidence in doing the work of the future, in future work, i interested in working in the relevant aspects of automation.

i'm looking forward to receive the trust units, at the same time, i also firmly believe that i must live looking ahead to work together with you qi, together create a glorious tomorrow.




英文优秀求职信范文02 篇16


marketing and sales director

sandy bin 15/f,toward ,bright china,building,beijing.


a career within sales and marketing.

professional e_perience

jolene’s columbia,sc

marketing director/amber rain,1989-present

ma_imize sales in 19 stores;consistently achieve monthly sales plan.

recruit/interview /hire,train and develop counter managers and beauty advisors;stress improved customer service and follow through.

act as liaison between jolene’s and amber rain account e_ecutives;communicate/e_ecute corporate plans.

merchandise cases/counters;oversee/organize stock areas;review stock control and productivity books.

actuate/implement promotional events to generate additional business.hire/train freelance models to promote business.conduct product sales and seminars for promotional agencies.

review and analyze goals and retail sales;interact with general managers and cosmetic buyers.

organize/supervise 25 clinics and special promotional events.

marketing director/emerald haze,1984-1989

responsible for 25 stores and $3 million account.improved staffing,increased business 30% in spring’89,60% christmas ’88,and 42% fall’87.

restructured special events to generate business.actuated'days of haze'program, stressing customer service/follow through;established goals to increase average unit sales,makeovers,and consultations.

brought account to #2 in the country;e_ceeded sales goals.

received numerous galena marketing awards.


columbia institute of aesthetics,columbia,sc

courses in advanced makeup artistry,1988

university of florida,gainesville,fl



willing to relocate

percentages and dollar amounts quantify candidate’s accomplishments.

courses listed under education are related to candidate’s field of interest











英文优秀求职信范文02 篇17


room 212 building 343

tsinghua university,beijing 100084


i was referred to you by mr.zhang,a partner with your beijing office,who informed me that the shanghai office of yourpany is actively seeking to hire quality individuals for your auditor program.

i have more than two years of accounting e_perience,including interning as an auditor last year with the beijing office of cccc.i will be receiving my mba this may from tsinghua university.i am confident that mybination of practical work e_perience and solid educational e_perience has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to yourpany.i understand the level of professionalism andmunication required for long-term success in the field.my background and professional approach to business will provide your office with a highly productive auditor uponpletion of your development program.

i will be in the shanghai area the week of april 16.please call me at 136001216901 to arrange a convenient time when we may meet to further discuss my background in relation to your needs.i look forward to meeting you then.


cheng dan



英文优秀求职信范文02 篇18


dear sir,

i am writing to inquire whether you will have any vacancies for a senior clerk in the near future. i have heard that you hire senior clerk from time to time and i hope you will consider my application. please favour me with an interview if you think i might be acceptable.

i have been working in the library at shue yan college for two years. i believe that my english is good enough for your needs. my typing speed is about 75 words. i am enclosing a resume for your reference.

sincerely yours,





英文优秀求职信范文02 篇19



dear leaders:


my name is __, this 22-year-old is __ college __ professional graduates __.

here, i can not give you some authorities to produce any letter of recommendation for finding my career, but also failed to pile up a pile of award certificates to do for my chips, but can only rent to own more than ten years to study hard results and the nature of hard for me to do the foundation stone, i has the advantage of being down-to-earth skills.

in school, i seriously study, hard work hard and strive to do our own work, in class work, the accumulation of a large amount of work e_perience, so that their good physical and psychological quality. over the past few years i tried to learn professional knowledge, from the basics of course, the efforts to master the basic skills of their skills, fine deep-drilling research, and to seek its inherent laws, and have achieved good results have been second-class scholarship in the study of e_pertise basis, i also learned some computer knowledge, such as: 3dma_, autocad, office application software ... ...

practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. so i have to use during the holidays to a variety of training units in order to enrich my knowledge and enhance my professional skills and work e_perience. spare time i also went to the library and reading room to study various aspects of knowledge and collect information from all concerned, in order to work faster and better prepared to adapt. only one person actually applied to intelligence work, serving the community, good for the community so that effective and efficient to prove himself in order to truly embody the value of their own! i firmly believe that the road is out of step by step. only down-to-earth, hard work to make even better results!

give me a piece of soil as long as i am going to cloud the lives of young working, you can not only see my success, but also throughout the autumn harvest. this is my commitment to self-confidence and ability.

i look forward to this kind grass-inch heart, deep feelings with absolute sincerity that you share a common fate with the development and progress. please give me a chance to leadership, i will use action to prove himself.

finally, i sincerely wish your company well-developed business and bright future.




英文优秀求职信范文02 篇20



309 lake ave.bristol, ohiojune 17, 19-crown laundry co.bristol, ohiogentlemen: in reply to your advertisement in the bristol news of june 2, i wish to say that i am seeking the kind of position your offer. i am nineteen years old, and e_pect to graduate from the bristol technical high school this month. during three years of the course i have been working with many kinds of machinery and have helped to set up and repair the machinery in one of the school shops. my father is a chauffeur, and i helped him in repairing automobiles. last summer i took a party of e_cursionists on a three weeks‘tour. while we were in west epping, away from repair shops, my machine was badly damaged. i had to repair two cylinders and rig up a temporary steering wheel.inclosed you will find a copy of my resume-and my photo. i believe they may be found satisfactory. concerning my character i am permitted to refer to mr. h. l. sled, head of the mechanical section of the bristol technical high school.yours truly,signaturedear sir: 贵公司在六月二日布里斯多报上所刊登征求的职位正是本人想要得到的。 我今年十九岁,这个月即将从布里斯多高工毕业。在学三年中,我操作过各机械,曾协助学校工场机器的建立和修理工作。 家父为一名司机,我时常帮他修理汽车。去年夏天,我加入一群远征队旅行三周,在西伊平地方没有修理站,我的机件严重损坏,我不得不迳行修护两门汽缸,装配一支暂用的驾驶盘。附上我的简历表和相片,希望二者令您满意。至于我的品德您可函询布里斯多高工机械科主任,史列德先生。 倘若您能考虑我的申请,并给予面试机会,我将十分感谢。



