> 条据信函 > 自荐信


发布时间:2024-07-20 热度:44


英文自荐信如何撰写? 篇1


written submissions to the job graduates recommended by the employing unit of self-written material, all graduates in the cover letter is critical to the pillars of documents, the quality of their writing careers directly related to the success of graduates. therefore, the personal statement is known as graduates seeking jobs, 'stepping-stone.'

so, job cover letter how to write it?

the focus of personal statement, 'ö' in the conception must focus on 'why ö', 'with what elite', 'how elite' line of thinking arrangement, its format is generally divided into title, title, te_t, attachments and dated 5 section.

1, the title is a personal statement the title logo and title to require eye-catching, simple, jhuangya. use larger fonts in the paper at the top marked 'personal statement' in the name, seems generous and beautiful.

2, called this is the main unit or the recipient to send the call to language. if the employing unit clear, can be written directly on the unit name, with 'highly respected' should be qualified to lead the post office or collectively, the 'leadership' put pen to paper, such as unit is not clear, then used collectively, the 'dear your organization (company or school) leadership 'the link, the best not to directly labeled as top leadership positions, so easily lead to the first reader's resentment, but difficult to attain this purpose.

3, te_t

the body is a personal statement of the core, opening words should be said greetings to each other compliments. generally include the main part of the job-seeking resumes, zijian purpose, conditions, display, determination and desire to conclude the five elements.

profile is the outline of self-description and self-nominations name, gender, ethnicity, age, origin, political outlook, education, college and department professional, home address, the representation of other factors, it is necessary for the purpose of self-zijian a brief description, without long and cumbersome.

objective to zijian _ie qing sources of information, job search intention to undertake projects such as work objectives, it is written in clear and specific, but to grasp the sense of proportion, concise, we can not e_pect too much ambiguity can not give people the impression conceited or self-esteem .

conditions of display is a key element of personal statement should primarily _ie qing's own talents and strengths. to address the demand should be aware that the work should go to write, and fully display the conditions of employment, from the basic conditions and specific conditions on what basis both seek to solve the problem. the basic conditions should be _ieqing political performance and learning activities in two aspects. political performance from the activities and performance aspects of realism, such as the party school to learn and participate in activities, professional attitude, dedication, cooperation, awareness, etc., and accompanied by award-winning and qualification certificates. learning e_periences to _ie qing lord, minor professional courses and achievements of the situation, for english, computer and putonghua level of 11 must also note, for and acted, organizational management, social surveys, design and practical aspects of thesis also slightly touching, and, there are special skills should be emphasized, such as the operating practices, style painting, writing, eloquence and other e_pertise, to demonstrate their abilities, outstanding personality traits.

determined part of the desire to e_press the earnest desire to join other organizations, and looking forward to the bright future of unit, e_pect to be recognized and accepted by, naturally sincere, neither overbearing nor servile.

after the general conclusion in the te_t format, according to letters written on the wish language or 'sincerely, salute' 'waiting for good news,' like the phrase the name.

4, anne_ personal statement accessories include personal resume, a copy of the certificate and articles need to appendi_ e_plains the material can also be listed as an attachment 11.

5, dated inscription department to write to 'person zi jian words, and to regulate body mark the year chronology and monthly day. following replies to illustrate the te_t at the contact, zip code, address, mailbo_ number, phone number and pager number. signed by branch, such as printed copies will have to leave blank, signed personally by the job-seekers in order to show solemnly and respect.

cover letter writing skills is actually very good grasp of writing although a certain degree of freedom, but be sure to pay attention to civil and courteous, sincere and simple elegance, with particular attention to highlight the talent and e_pertise of the individual characteristics, pay attention to demonstrate e_perience, performance and results, well-designed binding , emphasis on format, elegant appearance, the pursuit of a solemn and beautiful, so like a light of spring yan, flew into the thousands of families, in order to bring you good news.

英文自荐信如何撰写? 篇2



respected leaders:

thank you for your time reading my zi jian_in!

i ___, male, born in 1986 ______, who are well on family education, and parents in their words and deeds that i have set a very positive view of life and their values, and know how to live in their own temper.

on the _ ____ _________ i was taking, and to choose a suitable learning international economic and trade professionals. i have been studying hard, diligent study, in four years, the academy has given me a full-chi of the united states educational, scientific arrangements for the international trade, international business management, financial accounting, international settlement, marketing, and so on. complete a full course of the four-year period and smoothly through the computer two countries, such as grade four english e_amination. on the needs of the community and corporate talent requirements.

in order to temper themselves, all services in the college, i actively joined the union college group, and served as a squad leader post. in the squad, as a result of my active work, study hard, for the team made their contributions, and achieved certain results, respectively in the may 4 pingyou pingyou semester and be rated as 'e_cellent students.' in addition, i completed an independent research institutions, '______', and access to e_perts and professors of the acclaim.

freshman, sophomore during the summer vacation in order to develop their own capacity to understand the community. in the '___' in the magazine's contributors, the editorial department received the unanimous praise. after the century literature, such as literature huanjianshumeng site in the station to write te_t, which '____,' it was nearly 30,000 times clicked on.

as a military academy where students i open person qifenhaohua, optimism, self-confidence, a strong sense of responsibility; accept strong, have a strong collective sense of honor and self-motivated. happy to live with the people, and people around the living together harmoniously, with groups in the spirit of human integrity, work responsibilities seriously, to hard-working, have strict shortcomings are character impatient.

i hope you will give me a chance to display, i believe i will rise to the work of the company's development of my biggest contribution.









英文自荐信如何撰写? 篇3



dear dr.anderson,

mr.li quanzhi who has just returned to china from your university informed that you are considering the possibility of offering achinese language course to your students in the ne_t academic year and may h___e an opening for ateacher of the chinese language.i am very much interested in such aposition.

i h___e been teaching chinese literature and composition at college level since 1980.in the past three years,i h___e worked in summer programs,teaching the chinese language and culture to students from english-speaking courtries.as aresult,i got to know well the common problems of these students and how to adapt teaching to achieve the best results.

with years of intensive english training,i h___e no difficulty conducting classes in english and feel queit comfortable working with american students.

i will be ___ailable after february 1998.please fell free to contact me if you wish more information.thank you very much for your consideration and ilook fo rward to hearing from you.

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respect your company leadership:

how do you do!

i am the graduated from __ university students majoring in communication,name called __.

in the four years in the university, i laid a solid professional theoryfoundation, has the good learning ability, teamwork spirit, practical style.serious study and communication professional knowledge theory, reading a lot ofrelevant books and communication, and the other has made the english fourlevels, the computer level certificate.

i pay attention to the combination of theory with practice, be in so manytimes during winter and summer vacation to participate in social practice, hasbeen used in times of __ and __ radio and television stations practice, toparticipate in some news purchasing& cataloguing work, able to learn in theschool of journalism theories knowledge fle_ibly to specific work, familiar withbasic news editing process, basic mastered editing machine operation method forthe leader and colleague consistent affirmative. usually also taught himselfflash, authorware software and web pages of the basic operation, familiar withoffice, wps office automation software.

i have a warm friendly, live wave cheerful, has the enterprising spirit andthe team spirit, strong writing ability. personal interest is e_tensive, likesall kinds of sports activities, such as table tennis, basketball, badminton,etc. like reading, movies, music, travel, photography, dream to become aprofessional photographer, like reading all kinds of newspapers and magazines,more attention to the knowledge of the news media.

英文自荐信如何撰写? 篇6



dear sir / miss:

hello! __ i am in college, majored in international economics and trade, in july ne_t year i will graduate and economic degree.

recently informed of your company are currently recruiting talent, i am confident i have learned in the university's knowledge to be able to help with my job __ candidates.

i have good basic computer knowledge and ability in the moment has passed on ncre assessment. are now able to carry out skilled operation windows_p.

i have good command of english, from freshman to junior teachers have specialized instruction. in his sophomore year when the country has been through 4 and 6 in english, results were 523 and 499. in the third year, participants and achieved 5.5 ielts results.

period at the university, often with many second prize and third prize of scholarship and the 'three outstanding students,' the title. students could live in harmony, actively cooperate with the work of班委. have a good team spirit: once with the group plans to mock the establishment of a company's overall financial reporting.

i very much hope that your company can work, i can play. enclosed herewith is my curriculum vitae. if the opportunity to interview with you, i would be very grateful!




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dear mr.chamberlaine:

i am seeking a position where i can apply my e_perience as an environmental specialist.as an environmental project manager in the environmental affairs department of the dow chemical company,i have gained e_perience in many areas of the environmental industry,especially hazardous substance and waste management as well as environmental legislation and compliance requirements.

specific areas of accomplishment include:

- company compliance with applicable local,state,and federal environmental regulations nationwide

- design and implementation of training programs to limit company risk and liability in the hazardous substance management field

- research and evaluation of cost-effective methods for hazardous substance reduction,recycling and conservation.

i am interested in an industry position in environmental compliance,hazardous substance management,and/or industrial environmental training and education.i am interested in a company that has a strong interest in developing pro-active programs to limit liability and risk in environmental affairs.

my resume is enclosed.thank you for reviewing my credentials,and i look forward to hearing from you.


wendel b.thomas

英文自荐信如何撰写? 篇9


dear sir,

i am looking for a job. i am a hong kong graduate student, my college major is business management. i believe i can fulfill the requirements in your company. i hope you will be able to place me somewhere.

thank you very much for your kindness and attention.

respectfully yours,





英文自荐信如何撰写? 篇10


dear sir,

i am looking for employment as from the summer of 1989. i am enrolled in the graduate division of the department of education at the university of michigan. my major is education. i feel qualified to work as a teacher at the primary or secondary level. my teaching e_perience is quite e_tensive and varied, but i have concentrated most of all on instruction of physical sciences in middle schools.

i would be very happy to work within school if this is possible. since your agency has a fine reputation for helping students locate work, i hope you will be able to provide me with something both remunerative and related to my interests. thank you very much for your kind attention. please send me an answer at your earliest convenience.

respectfully yours,





英文自荐信如何撰写? 篇11


无论英文求职信还是中文求职信,都有其正规的写法。任何国内, 外大公司, 大企业都喜欢看到正规严肃的求职信, 代表你尊重对方。一份正规的英文求职信,其目的也在于获得面谈的机会。


格式与态度: 写英文求职信时,开头写每段第一句话时, 要顶格写, 一定不要空两格。 这点很重要, 请你注意; 不要用开玩笑的口吻与对方套近乎, 要严肃, 认真地写。这能使对方感觉你很重视这件事情; 简短介绍自己的专业与才能。 重点写清楚你的能力可以满足对方公司的需要。

各人资料: 写英文求职信时,写信人应述明自己的年龄或出生年月,教育背景,尤其是和应征的职位有关的训练或教育科目、工作经验或特殊的技能;如无实际经验,告知对方你正在学习经验!

推荐自我: 写英文求职信时,需重点注意约定面试时间。一定要写清楚:我知道您很忙, 我很感谢您能在百忙之中抽几分钟时间跟我见面并谈话。 请放心,这几分钟您一定不会浪费的!因为我确定我的能力一定使贵公司达到目的。要自信!但不要过份夸大自己的能力或表现过份信心,尤其不要说出与事实不符的能力或特性来。

结尾与联系方式: 写英文求职信结尾时,需重点注意:不要等对方先打电话联系你, 你应该在英文求职信中明确写出, 你会在此期间打电话约对方见面, 并告对方知具体联系时间;还要写明, 在见面之前, 若对方有什么问题需要了解的, 可发email或打电话联系你。 并写清楚你的联系方式。 最后, 再一次写明感谢他们抽时间看你的个人简历, 求职信。 并感谢他们考虑你的应聘。


篇幅不易过长, 简短为好;态度诚恳, 不需华丽词汇; 让对方感觉亲切, 自信, 实在即可;不要误看其他错误的写作方法, 以免耽误了你的求职机会。

纸张的选用: 建议你用灰色,黄褐色或米色纸作最终打印信纸。 要配合信封的颜色。



英文自荐信如何撰写? 篇12


您正在浏览的自 荐 信是传媒大学生的英文自荐信例文

dear admissions committee:

i am pleased to have this opportunity to recommend one of my capable students at the abc university,mr.hung-doe doe,to your university‘s master degree program in computer science for entering class fall 1996.through my e_tensive observation of him in both academic and e_tracurricular fields,i have come to the conclusion that mr.doe possesses a number of valuable qualifications that will make him an outstanding member of his graduate class.

i have had the pleasure of knowing mr.doe when he was under my instruction in the course of electrical engineering during the academic year of 1993.while attending this requirement course,mr.doe has left me with the impression as a bright and hard-working student who is highly motivated in his coursework.his academic integrity can be reflected by the fact that he ranked in the top 10 the class.unlike most of his peers,who gained knowledge merely from school lecturing,mr.doe has spent a great amount of effort and time on reading advanced articles and te_tbooks and therefore has developed a firm grasp of this subject.i am of the opinion that my class has provided mr.doe with a solid basic background in electronics and circuits analysis,which is valuable to his academic pursuit in computer science.

an open-minded individual who never let go any learning opportunity and is always willing to share with people his own opinions and ideas,mr.doe,often came to me discussing various questions and problems he encountered during his studies.i was pleased to learn of his strong interest in electronic related subjects and the most up-to-date advancement in this field.his diligence and commitment to coursework has left a deep impression on me.i have,without any doubt,come to consider him to be a highly promising student.with the intelligence and persistence that mr.doe has displayed,he will have no difficulty in succeeding in any academic environment and continue to perform outstandingly in your graduate school.

in general,i consider mr.doe a highly promising applicant to the master degree program in his proposed field.i have the least reservation on his potential to succeed in his future educational as well as professional pursuits.i give him my highest recommendation.

thank you very much for your time and consideration.should you wish to discuss anything pertaining to his application,please do not hesitate to contact me.

best regards


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dear ms. wetherall:

my proven ability to strategize e_pansion of fast moving consumer goods into global markets,especially japan, makes me an e_cellent candidate for the position of global consumer affairs senior manager that you currently have open. i offer a strong commitment to the japan market, having resided and worked throughout japan for last 12 years, interacted with various levels and functions of government and business, managed japanese organizations and businesses, and demonstrated cultural sensitivity to both us and japan organizations;

as director of the tokyo tourism board, i have demonstrated my strategic abilities by developing programs that resulted in an 18 percent increase in traffic to tokyo in __, traffic growth of more than 10 percent in __, total spending and per-capita spending growth of 15 percent and 5 percent respectively; as well as 5 percent growth in length of stay to 3.66 nights.

my marketing e_perience is e_tensive and diverse – from opening up new markets to tapping into my vast pool of contacts in both business and government in. during my e_tensive marketing career with pepsi-cola, i influenced the objectives and direction of franchised bottler management, engendering significant credibility, mutual trust, and respect, and facilitating solid growth when the rest of the country was e_periencing decline during the toughest year.

i am a proficient all-around marketing practitioner with a highly applicable background. my familiarity withthe business environment in the us, canada, and especially in japan, can be e_tremely valuable in yourendeavors. my mba degree and fluency in english and japanese further bolster my qualifications.

i'd like to meet with you to discuss adding value to pepperidge farm as i’ve done for my previousemployers. i‘ll contact you in the near future to arrange a meeting. should you wish to reach me beforethen, please call 203-555-6625.


andrea long

英文自荐信如何撰写? 篇14


dear sir or madam,now and then corporations send out feelers for just the right type of creative person.this person must fit any criteria.usually,after all is said and done,the corporation wants aperson who can manage,create and communicate.an active youth is just around.on my graduation from college recently,i am eager to gain aposition that will offer me opportunities and also changes.i thought perhaps you would keep me in mind for apossible opening.i am strong,optimistic,dynamic and honest.during my education,i h___e grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice.not only h___e ipassed cet,but more important ican communicate with others freely in english.my ability to write and speak english is out of question.moreover,i h___e had benefited much from my part-time jobs.a copy of my antecedents is enclosed for your reference.i would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional informat ion you require,please contact me.i would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for an interview.very truly


fu zuying

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dear sir,

i would like to ask you to consider my qualification for the position in sales that you advertised in last week's newspaper.

i graduated from the college of business in june of 1986. since that time i have been taking night courses at polytechnics in sales techniques and mass media advertising.

i have worked as a vehicle salesman for the ford co. for the past three years. at present i am their chief salesman and account for over one half of the sales. before my present employment, i worked for the chains department store as a salesclerk in the electrical appliance section. we worked mainly on commission and i was able to earn a substantial amount although i was very young.

i would like to make a change now because i feel that i can go no further in my present job, i feel that my ability and my training should enable me to advance into a better and more responsible position, and it appears that this will not be forthcoming at my present position.

if you would like to know more about my ability, i can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you.

sincerely yours,


英文自荐信如何撰写? 篇16


dear sir/madam:

i was referred to you by mr. zhang, a partner with your peking office, who informed me that the shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire a network maintenance engineer for your program.

your position requires top university, bachelor or above in computer science or equivalent field and proficient in windows 2000 and linu_ system. i feel that i am competent to meet the requirements. i will be graduating from graduate school of peking university this year with a m.s. degree. my studies have included courses in computer control and management and i designed a control simulation system developed with microsoft visual interdev and sql server.

during my education, i have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. not only have i passed cet-6, but more important i can communicate with others freely in english. my ability to write and speak english is out of question.

the enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. i would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.


英文自荐信如何撰写? 篇17



dear leaders:


thank you for your busy schedule to look at my letter of self-recommendation, and sincerely hope you can get the support and endorsement.

changes in today's world market, is e_tremely fierce competition among all walks of life, you would like strong competition, such as forest and add an invincible force it? i graduated from the fujian province water conservancy and electric power building professional school graduates 99 session, during school, i strictly abide by school rules and regulations, respect for teachers, united students, have a strong collective sense of honor; seriously hard to learn, e_cellent performance, emphasis on integrating theory with practice an active part in the practice and training activities; have attended school 'image of the design of the e_hibition on campus,' won first place for the classes, and is destined to become a member to participate in the celebration of the seventies 'campus model' production.

i come from a family of teachers, from an early age by a good education and a healthy thinking. four years of secondary education so that i have a theory of professional knowledge, practice more than three years so that i can e_perience the spirit of a more enhanced and the ability to endure hardship, do each of the jobs i worked. today's professionals need for multi-level, prompted me to and strengthen the self, i took part in the national computer rank e_amination and successfully passed a (dos), 2 (fo_base) level; skills through the identification of the fujian provincial water conservancy and electric power station 'intermediate technology hierarchy 'of identification; proficient in autocad, 3dma_/viz, photoshop, corldraw such as graphics software and office series, skilled use' in hope, desai, round side 'and other decoration software, familiar with the internet and the use of frontpage, macromedia family of software such as independent completion of site planning, construction and maintenance, and some knowledge of computer installation and maintenance. personal view is that computer use in the construction (drawings, renderings, decoration, advertising design, budget, etc.) to fulfill its long; conley worked stone is the technology of stone technology, design e_perience, who cooked plates, stone craft, the main aspects of applied decoration.

the success of the cause of the need for knowledge, perseverance, sweat, the perfect combination of opportunities. similarly, the need for a company the honor of carrying her carrier - selfless people. i urge your company for giving me a chance, let me become one of you, i will be very enthusiastic and hard working知遇之恩your return, and very happy to work with colleagues in the future for the cause of our common dedication all the intelligence in good faith.



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dear teacher (_) female teacher:

hello! my name is ___, i'm _ years old,from _ a middle school. today i'd like to promot run for the english lesson representative in the class. i like english, during the primary period of study in class, has now become a just liters secondary school students, unforgettable primary sublimation not only learn knowledge but also improve their abilities, and profound understanding to the deficiencies in the study, still need to improve their quality. si_ years of primary school life, i have won many honors, these are the results of my previous. but i knew that belongs to the past, only after the road to his down-to-earth, from scratch. i want to make our hard-working, grasp the nettle, indomitable good quality. but in the later in his career, i learn to improve their english level, with whole heart for class service, giving yourself. i will continue to learn english, doing a good english lesson representative. therefore, i really hope _ teacher can give me an opportunity, give me a broad world, realize its value.

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dear mr. chamberlaine:

i am seeking a position where i can apply my e_perience as an environmental specialist. as an environmental project manager in the environmental affairs department of the dow chemical company, i have gained e_perience in many areas of the environmental industry, especially hazardous substance and waste management as well as environmental legislation and compliance requirements.

specific areas of accomplishment include:

- company compliance with applicable local, state, and federal environmental regulations nationwide

- design and implementation of training programs to limit company risk and liability in the hazardous substance management field

- research and evaluation of cost-effective methods for hazardous substance reduction, recycling and conservation.

i am interested in an industry position in environmental compliance, hazardous substance management, and/or industrial environmental training and education. i am interested in a company that has a strong interest in developing pro-active programs to limit liability and risk in environmental affairs.

my resume is enclosed. thank you for reviewing my credentials, and i look forward to hearing from you.


wendel b. thomas

英文自荐信如何撰写? 篇20


dear sir or madam,

your recruiting advertisement for overseas trainee on www.chinahr.com is of great interests to me. with a sound educational background – two master degrees awarded by university of wollongong australia and one bachelor degree awarded by nanchang institute of aeronautical technology, china - and a keen desire to be a part of a professional firm, i am submitting my resume and wish to apply for the position referred above.

in addition to my academic e_cellence, my various aptitudes displayed in e_tra curriculum activities combined with fluent english ability as well as proficient it skills prepare me a qualified candidate. i hold the belief that i will make positive contribution to your company.

thank you for your time and consideration and i am looking forward to becoming an integral member of your motivated team and would appreciate your evaluation by granting me an interview.

with enthusiastically personal regards.

sincerely yours,

li fang



