> 条据信函 > 自荐信


发布时间:2024-08-10 热度:33


英文自荐信的能力 篇1



1.i am able to take dictation in english and translate it rapidly into chinese.我会英文的口授笔记,同时能立即将其翻译成中文。

2.i have received an english education, and have a slight knowledge of spanish.i took a spanish course in college.本人接受英文教育,同时略通西班牙文。大学时,我修了西班牙文。

3.i have been at the citymercial college,where i have acquired a knowledge of english,mathematics and elementary business practice.本人曾在城市商专学英文、数学以及初级商业实务。

4.i have just left school,but have a good knowledge of english.本人虽刚离开校门,但英文很好。

5.at school i won a scholarship and the first prize in a speech contest.求学中,我曾获奖学金及演讲比赛一等奖。

6.i am a graduate of hong kong university,and have in addition an m.a.degree from ucla.本人毕业于香港大学,并在加州大学获得文学硕士学位。

7.since leaving school,i have attended typewriting and shorthand classes,and have now attained a speed of fifty and ninety words respectively.离开学校后,我参加打字与速记班,而今已达到打字50字,速记90字的速度。












英文自荐信的能力 篇2


letters of self introduction自荐信

letters of self-introduction


构词特点:introduce (v.介绍)+ tion(名词后缀)

短语:make an introduction作介绍

e.g.please make a self-introduction.

he is reading the introduction of the new product (产品).

1 you are a member of the“pen pals”club at the school.你是学校“笔友俱乐部”的一名成员。

pen pal (又作pen friend) a person who you make friends with by e_changing letters, even though you may never meet笔友

e.g.i have communicated (交流) with my pen pal for many years. many pen pals may never (从未) meet each other.

the club often receives letters from students of various countries.俱乐部常常会收到来自世界不同国家的学生的来信。

club n.a society of people who join together for a certain purpose,for e_ample,sport or amusement俱乐部

e.g.we belong to the golf (高尔夫球) club.

i've joined the school football club.

various adj.different from each other;of (many) different kinds不同的,多方面的;各种各样的

e.g.there are various ways to answer this question.

he decided to leave school for various reasons (原因).

in those letters the writers all introduce themselves.they want to ask for pen pals.他们在信中会介绍自己,并希望找到笔友。

introduce vt.①to make one person known for the first time to another介绍

常用搭配:introduce sb.to sb.else把某人介绍给??

②to bring in or use something for the first

e.g.may i introduce my friend johnson to you?

he introduced himself as a bank clerk(职员).

potatoes were introduced into europe(欧洲)from south america (南美洲).

now the director of the club is putting them up on the school’s bulletin board.现在,俱乐部的管理员正打算把这些信张贴到学校的公告栏上。

director n.①a person who controls or manages an organization or company负责人,理事

②someone who directs a play or film,deciding how it is

performed and filmed导演

构词特点:direct (v.指示)+-or(名词后缀:参加某种活动的人)

e.g.she was appointed (任命) to the position (职位) of sales director.

the director of the film also appeared(出席)at the party.

bulletin n.a short official notice or news report intended to be made

public without delay公告;布告

e.g.here is the latest (最新的) bulletin about the president’s (总统的) health.

there is a new notice on the bulletin board.

boardn.a long thin flat piece of cut wood木板

短语:on board在船上(火车上、飞机上),在公共交通工具上 扩展:blackboard黑板

e.g.she pinned(钉上)the name list (名单) up on the notice board. get on board!

you may choose or your pen pal there.你可以从中选择你的笔友。 what will affect your decision?it can be age, gender or interests. 年龄、性别或兴趣都可能影响你的决定。

affect vt.to influence or to cause a result or change in something影响 e.g.this area will be affected by the hurricane(飓风).

she was deeply affected by the news of his death.

decision n.a choice of one out of a number of possibilities决定;裁决 构词特点:decide(vt.决定)+.sion(名词后缀)

短语:make a decision做出决定

eg. who made the decision to go there?

the moment of decision has arrived.

interest n. 兴趣

vt. 使(某人)感兴趣

e.g.i have no interest in politics(政治).

the child’s interest must come first.

are you interested in history?

read the letters below and choose the one you are interested in.请看下面这几封信,并从中选择一位你感兴趣的笔友。

2 “i am a finnish girl.and i am 19.i want to write to a pleasant chinese student who can speak english.i also study english at schoo1.我是一名来自芬兰的女孩,今年19岁。我希望能与一位会讲英语的、讨人喜欢的中国学生通信。我也正在学校学习英语。 what i like to do most after class is cooking,swimming and collecting stamps.在课外,我最喜欢的是烹饪、游泳和集邮。

collect vt.to gather together收集,收藏

e.g.collect the books and put them on my desk.

she likes collecting foreign coins(硬币).

please write to:po bo_ 135,00382 helsinki,finland.”请致信以下地址:芬兰赫尔辛基邮政信箱135,邮编00382。”

3 “i am a japanese boy.and i am 18 years old.i have english lessons at school and i like them very much.“我是一个日本男孩,18岁。我的学校开设了英语课,而且我很喜欢英语。

i would like a pen pal who is also learning english so that we could e_change letters in english.所以,我想结交一名同样也在学习英语的笔友,这样我们就可以用英语互相写信了。

e_change vt.to give something to someone who gives you something else交换,互换;交流


e.g.i e_changed the goods (货物) for cash(现金).

they e_changed their ideas(想法).

my hobbies are pop music,football,and coin collecting.我的兴趣是流行音乐,足球和收集硬币。

hobby n.an activity which you enjoy doing in your free time业余爱好 e.g.do you have a hobby?

playing table tennis is his hobby.

coin n.a diece of money made of metal硬币

短语:toss a coin扔硬币(决定某事)

e.g.i need some coins for the ticket machine(自动售票机). we tossed (扔,掷) a coin to decide who will have the ticket.

we can talk about our hobbies in our letters.please write to me at this address:po bo_ 138,tokyo,japan.”在信中,我们可以聊聊各自的兴趣爱好。请按以下地址写信给我:日本东京邮政信箱138号。” address n.details of where someone works or lives地址

e.g.i can’t rcad the address.where should i send the letter? tell me your address,please.

4“i am charlie smith of the united states,and i am a college student.“我叫查理·史密斯,来自美国。我是一名大学生。

英文自荐信的能力 篇3


dear hr:

reply to your advertisement in todays' daily news' published on the deputy sales managerad, i was very interested in this position. enclosed please find my resume and certificates.

i can see from the above, i studied and obtained a bachelors degree in te_tile engineering.therefore, i think i am familiar with this industry. i especially in the hope of a te_tile production and related work. i believe my e_perience for your company will be very useful.

i can be at your convenient time for interview. waiting for your reply.


英文自荐信的能力 篇4




respected leaders:

thank you for your time reading my zi jian_in! i ___, male, born in 1986 ______, who are well on family education, and parents in their words and deeds that i have set a very positive view of life and their values, and know how to live in their own temper. on the _ ____ _________ i was taking, and to choose a suitable learning international economic and trade professionals. i have been studying hard, diligent study, in four years, the academy has given me a full-chi of the united states educational, scientific arrangements for the international trade, international business management, financial accounting, international settlement, marketing, and so on. complete a full course of the four-year period and smoothly through the computer two countries, such as grade four english e_amination. on the needs of the community and corporate talent requirements. in order to temper themselves, all services in the college, i actively joined the union college group, and served as a squad leader post. in the squad, as a result of my active work, study hard, for the team made their contributions, and achieved certain results, respectively in the may 4 pingyou pingyou semester and be rated as 'e_cellent students.' in addition, i completed an independent research institutions, '______', and access to e_perts and professors of the acclaim.

freshman, sophomore during the summer vacation in order to develop their own capacity to understand the community. in the '___' in the magazines contributors, the editorial department received the unanimous praise. after the century literature, such as literature huanjianshumeng site in the station to write te_t, which '____,' it was nearly 30,000 times clicked on. as a military academy where students i open person qifenhaohua, optimism, self-confidence, a strong sense of responsibility; accept strong, have a strong collective sense of honor and self-motivated. happy to live with the people, and people around the living together harmoniously, with groups in the spirit of human integrity, work responsibilities seriously, to hard-working, have strict shortcomings are character impatient.

i hope you will give me a chance to display, i believe i will rise to the work of the companys development of my biggest contribution.



英文自荐信的能力 篇5


1ear ms. swainsforth:

i am a registered engineer in the state of michigan, and i am presently seeking a position in the roofing industry. a copy of my resume is enclosed, and i would like to talk with you should you have an appropriate opportunity for me at kelco corporation.

my most recent assignment was to manage projects at forte products company to develop products for the commercial roofing industry. part of my responsibility was to provide technical support to sales people, when they had questions of a technical nature from their engineering or architectural customers.

i have e_perience in quality assurance and the application of control charting to a large insulation line at forte products. this resulted in a 23% reduction in scrap and a 76% reduction in customer complaints.

i am seeking a position as a team leader or manager in product or process development, or in quality assurance. my compensation requirements are in the $65,000 to $70,000 range, and i am open to relocation.

i would welcome the opportunity to talk with you and discuss the technical contributions i could make to the kelco corporation, especially in the development of e_citing new roofing products.

thank you for reviewing my credentials, and i look forward to hearing from you shortly.

sincerely, james c. willison(手写体)

james c. willison


英文自荐信的能力 篇6


dear personnel officers:

i am _iaojunfeng, a junior in sichuan teacher university. i major in english and minor in japanese. i am writing to inquire the position you offered in the advertisement. here are my qualifications that prompt me to make application now.

as an english major, i have obtained skillful english writing ability and rich e_perience in dealing with the work requires knowledge about english background.

my interest in computer also has prompted me to forward my resume for your review. at present, i am working for the web site of shop.renren.com and in charge of the bbs program.

i am confident that i will make a successful addition to your program.

i am available if you dial the number: 13011819794.

yours sincerely,wumei

英文自荐信的能力 篇7



dear sirs:

___ just read on thursday, reported that the recruitment of qualified personnel of your company. i have served on the department of the new world product sales for four years, senior staff, have sufficient e_perience of self-confidence, your company may be recruited as a job.

since i started in 1981, has served as business sales, as well as writing letters. in the course of work, in addition to the scope of official business, with some customers from all regions and to make use of spare time to learn a lot about the business issues.

prior to his role in the new world, i have served as accounting firms brother secretaries. during his tenure, learning many of the accounting terms and accounting procedures.

i am now 25 years old, unmarried, in __ and graduated from wah yan college, i would like to have the opportunity to make full use of their skills, engage in the work of a wider range of needs, this is my hurry to leave the main reason for e_isting. i am employed by a company is the boss of my work is quite laudable ambition, so he is willing to help me to find another level.

if it is convenient, i would like to personally visit your office your company in order to detail.

kai ___

英文自荐信的能力 篇8




首先是正确的称呼,如dear sir/mdam就可以啦!

然后就是你写信的目的,因为外国人是特别注重效率的,比如i would like to be considered as an applicant for the __ posotion listed in today`s dallas tribune。



最后就是结尾,注意一定要留下联系方式,如:i would like to come to for an interview at your convenience。my telephone number is _______。i look forward to hearing from you。另外,也可以将求职简历或自荐信之类的一起附在自荐信后。




介绍消息来源实际上是 的开篇交待句,它可使自荐信显得自然、顺畅;而不介绍消息来源,会使收信人感到意外、突然,文章也缺乏过渡、照应。




某单位需要新人,求职人也有求职心愿,但这并不意味着这项工作非你莫属。如果你没有干好这项工作的经历、实力,也是难以适应的。因此,介绍个人 是必不可少的。
























二、在自荐信的第一个段落当中应该明确地告诉对方你是在何家媒体看到应聘广告以及所要应聘职位的名称,例如youradvertisementfor (职位名称)a network maintenance engineer in (媒体名称)theapril 10student daily interested me。这样有助于对方了解招聘信息的有效传播途径。


例如:i have passed cet-6 with a high mark of 96.

四、重视开头、结尾。在自荐信的结尾,我们通常要提及关于希望得到面试的事情。因此,结尾一样要引起重视。在表达自己的这样的意愿的时候,切忌软弱、羞怯的表达方式,例如:ifyouthink i can fill the position after you have read my letter, ishallbe glad to talk with you。






















英文自荐信的能力 篇9



dear ms. wetherall:

my proven ability to strategize e_pansion of fast moving consumer goods into global markets,especially japan, makes me an e_cellent candidate for the position of global consumer affairs senior manager that you currently have open. i offer a strong commitment to the japan market, having resided and worked throughout japan for last 12 years, interacted with various levels and functions of government and business, managed japanese organizations and businesses, and demonstrated cultural sensitivity to both us and japan organizations;

as director of the tokyo tourism board, i have demonstrated my strategic abilities by developing programs that resulted in an 18 percent increase in traffic to tokyo in __, traffic growth of more than 10 percent in __, total spending and per-capita spending growth of 15 percent and 5 percent respectively; as well as 5 percent growth in length of stay to 3.66 nights.

my marketing e_perience is e_tensive and diverse – from opening up new markets to tapping into my vast pool of contacts in both business and government in. during my e_tensive marketing career with pepsi-cola, i influenced the objectives and direction of franchised bottler management, engendering significant credibility, mutual trust, and respect, and facilitating solid growth when the rest of the country was e_periencing decline during the toughest year.

i am a proficient all-around marketing practitioner with a highly applicable background. my familiarity withthe business environment in the us, canada, and especially in japan, can be e_tremely valuable in yourendeavors. my mba degree and fluency in english and japanese further bolster my qualifications.

i'd like to meet with you to discuss adding value to pepperidge farm as i’ve done for my previousemployers. i‘ll contact you in the near future to arrange a meeting. should you wish to reach me beforethen, please call 203-555-6625.


andrea long

英文自荐信的能力 篇10



dear sir/ madam

on looking over today's wtojob my attention was attracted by your advertisement for a sales assistant.now as i am desirous of obtaining such a position,i should like to apply for it.

for the past four years,while specializing in business english at college,i have had a secret ambition to work for the organizations like yours.should you give me a trial,i will do my utmost to afford you every satisfaction.

during my education,i have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice.not only have i passed tem-8 (certificate no.eviii0910044989),but more important i can communicate with others freely in english.my ability to write and speak english is out of question.

the enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in great detail.thank you in advance for your concern and attention.please let me hear from you as soon as possible.


_iao li

英文自荐信的能力 篇11




dear prof. ___:

i am a postgraduate student of (硕士毕业的专业、学校), i went to your class and deeply touched by your wisdom and academic thoughts. i had the pleasure of reading your book (导师著作), and can’t be more agree with your point of view and admire very much on your academic level. i would apply for your doctoral student of(考博的专业).

my postgraduate tutor is professor ___, and (硕士时期的研究方向) is my research direction. during my graduate study, i participated in many subjects, including (硕士时期做过的.各项研究). i have accumulated a lot of e_periences about scientific research.

thank you very much for reading my letter , if given a chance to pursue advanced studies, i would highly appreciate. i’m looking forward to hearing from you.



英文自荐信的能力 篇12



dear leaders,


thank you for your busy schedule to read my letter, and sincerely hope you can get the support and endorsement. i am a 20__ session of the huaihai institute of technology project management graduates, in-school period, i strictly abide by school rules and regulations, respect for teachers, united students, have a strong collective sense of honor; seriously hard to learn, e_cellent performance, access to hospital on several occasions scholarships; emphasis on integrating theory with practice, and actively participate in the practice, and internship activities. i come from rural families, foster the tradition of hard work from an early age, the spirit of perseverance.

four years of university education, let me have the project management aspects of the theory of professional knowledge, the work of more than half a year so i have a wealth of practical e_perience, but also enhance their ability to adapt to the environment. todays professionals need for multi-level, prompted me to update, strengthen self: while studying at the school i passed the national e_amination in english and four grade 2 level, jiangsu province, computer e_aminations and computer-aided design (autocad), and motor vehicles to pass in __ drivers license (c) according to, able to skillfully use office__ (microsoft word, e_cel, powerpoint), in addition to the cost of learning such as division 3000. the success of the cause of the need for knowledge, perseverance, sweat, the perfect combination of opportunities, and similarly, the need for a company the honor of carrying her carrier - selfless people. request that your company can give me a chance, let me become one of you, i will be very enthusiastic and hard working your return, and very happy to work with colleagues in the future for our common the cause of all the talents dedication.


英文自荐信的能力 篇13



thank you for your busy schedul to read my weeping self materials, first of all. passion to work for a univers student open a door of hope!

forthcom in june from 20, my name is chen quan.006 in nanj normal univers graduate, to take thi career, i with a sincer heart and career pursuit in good faith, recommend their own.

through the care guidanc of mentor as well as their own work hard, from the threshold of the dai into the university. i gradual becam abl to adapt to a new era of commun colleg student

i serious study, and to make a knowledge-bas builder of social lai a solid foundation. in college. plai to their strengths, and tap their own potential, and thu improv their learn abil and analyt abil to deal with the problem. at the same time, i also did not forget to pai attent to more aspect of the qualiti of their own culture, to borrow a larg number of variou type of books, to cultiv their own character, so. while studi at the school serv as minist of propaganda depart of the hospital, the hospit debat team

i also activ take part in a varieti of social practic activities, and achiev a certain score. in addition. which ha an independ plan bodi to implement a large-scal promot activities. in social practice, i try to studi success people, will hone their own quality, and enhanc interperson commun skills, cultiv teamwork philosophy, studi a varieti of corpor culture, base in good faith, and strive to becom professional, high quality, plastic of good talent.

your compani is will to caus thrive achievements, thank you for your busi schedul to give me concern. but also wish you a success and good health!

read harbor the sincer confidence, low job-seek hold a book. i look forward to your company to become one!

英文自荐信的能力 篇14



dear sir,

in reference to your advertisement in the jobspower.com for a outdoor director, i believe that i have the qualifications to fit your position.

i hold a degree in physical education from abc university. along with my physical education courses, i also selected many coursed in psychology and child management. during the summers, i worked as a volunteer playground director in outdoor campsite at sai kung. in the summer of 1998, i was an assistant in charge of organized sports for youngersters in northen new territories. the year after that, i was placed in charge of a large summer program for under privileged children in hong kong. my supervisor during this time was mr. william jones, the director of northern affairs. he has consented to act as a reference for me.

my additional e_perience includes working as a leader in 13th scout troop for the years of 1994 to the present time. in this position i am responsible for the programs in all the scout troop, including all organized recreation, sports and scout skills.

if you feel that i am suited for the job that you have in mind, please inform me of the time convenient for an interview. i hope to hear from you in the near future.

sincerely yours

英文自荐信的能力 篇15



dear sir/madam:

i was referred to you by mr. zhang, a partner with your peking office, who informed me that the shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire a network maintenance engineer for your program.

your position requires top university, bachelor or above in computer science or equivalent field and proficient in windows 2000 and linu_ system. i feel that i am competent to meet the requirements. i will be graduating from graduate school of peking university this year with a m.s. degree. my studies have included courses in computer control and management and i designed a control simulation system developed with microsoft visual interdev and sql server.

during my education, i have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. not only have i passed cet-6, but more important i can communicate with others freely in english. my ability to write and speak english is out of question.

the enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. i would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.


英文自荐信的能力 篇16





1.for the past three years,i have been in the office of the __ trading co.,where i have been an accountant.本人曾经在__贸易公司服务三年,担任会计工作。

2.i am twenty years of age,and have been employed for the last two years by the __ co.,in the general clerical work of the office.我今年20岁,曾在__公司服务两年,工作体会担任一般文员工作。

3.i am twenty years of age,and am an_ious to settle down to office work.本人20岁,希望能找到一个公司,以便安定下来。

4.since my graduation from the school two years ago,i have been employed in __ hotel as a cashier.两年前离校后,在__酒店担任出纳员。



1.i am able to take dictation in english and translate it rapidly into chinese.我会英文的口授笔记,同时能立即将其 翻译 成中文。

2.i have received an english education,and have a slight knowledge of spanish.i took a spanish course in college.本人接受英文教育,同时略通西班牙文。大学时,我修了西班牙文。

3.i have been at the city commercial college,where i have acquired a knowledge of english,mathematics and elementary business practice.本人曾在城市商专学英文、数学以及初级商业实务。

4.i have just left school,but have a good knowledge of english.思想汇报本人虽刚离开校门,但英文很好。

5.at school i won a scholarship and the first prize in a speech contest.求学中,我曾获奖学金及演讲比赛一等奖。

6.i am a graduate of hong kong university,and have in addition an m.a.degree from ucla.本人毕业于香港大学,并在加州大学获得文学硕士学位。

7.since leaving school,i have attended typewriting and shorthand classes,and have now attained a speed of fifty and ninety words respectively.离开学校后,我参加打字与速记班,而今已达到打字50字,速记90字的速度。

英文自荐信的能力 篇17


dear sir,

i am looking for a job. i am a hong kong graduate student, my college major is business management. i believe i can fulfill the requirements in your company. i hope you will be able to place me somewhere.

thank you very much for your kindness and attention.

respectfully yours,





英文自荐信的能力 篇18



dear mr ho

application for the position of public relations manager.

please accept this letter as an application for the above position as advertised in the jobspower.com on january 5.

as the assistant public relations manager at _yz company for the past five years, i have assisted in various public relations functions and activities, arranged and co-ordinated press conferences to promote corporate image. i have also provided logistics support to press briefings, communication programmes and other marcom functions.

for the two years prior to _yz company, i served as the public relations officer at any arts centre, and has gained e_perience in editing a variety of performance publications (both newspapers and magazines), writing a lot of feature articles, press releases, brochures, and assisted in the production of staff newsletters.

i look forward to discussing my background and e_perience in detail with you and would be pleased to attend a personal interview. thank you for your consideration.

yours sincerely


英文自荐信的能力 篇19



dear ms.mac queen:

are you looking for a salesperson for the information processing industry?maybe i can help you.

i am the corporate representative for twenty major customers at ibm corporation.based on this e_perience i can:

- meet large global customers' total information systems requirements

- negotiate worldwide volume purchase agreements

- sell in international markets

- respond to the concerns of senior management

- leverage all corporate resources to achieve customer satisfaction

although other factors such as career growth are of primary importance to me,you should know that my total compensation is $75,000.

i appreciate your consideration.

very truly yours, wade b.stanford (手写体)

英文自荐信的能力 篇20


dear mr. klein:

i am seeking an operations management position at the plant, division or corporate level with a major player in the food and beverage industry. please consider my credentials.

as my resume will show, i have had e_cellent progression in the field of operations management with one of the top u.s. consumer products companies. pepsi-cola, as you may know, has been ranked by fortune magazine among the top 6 best run companies in america.

in my current posit on as group plant manager (3 plants) for pepsi west i have been credited with annual cost savings e_ceeding $2 m ion as the result of several innovative cost reduction programs recently implemented. i have just been awarded pesi’s coveted 'high performer award' for my contributions.

prior assignments have been equally productive, and i have consistently demonstrated the ability to achieve superior results. i pride myself on staying current in all major new developments in the field of operations and push hard for the implementation of those that will readily increase ease of operations and reduce operating costs.

should you be in the market for a proven contributor as a member of your operations team, mr. klein, your time would be well spent in meeting with me. much of what i have already done at pepsi might well be transferable to redding beverage, and could result in substantial savings to your company.

should you wish to contact me, i can be reached during the day at (216) 377-0925, or at the above number during evening hours.

thank you for your consideration.




