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发布时间:2023-06-29 热度:59



施工现场自制设备设计上的不安全因素。有的单位自制的简易机械设备,由于受到主观认识、技术水平、经济能力所限, 很容易存在安全隐患。在维修机械设备过程中,购买的配件贪图便宜,质量不合格的零部件装配到机械设备上去, 成为事故的隐患, 如l根质量不合格的刹车线导致一场重大事故,1条有质量缺陷的轮胎都会在施工运行中导致爆胎,使车辆侧翻发生重大机械安全事故等。在机械保养的过程中辅助材料不合格、不符合使用标准,就可以使机械发动机遭受很大损坏,不合格的钢丝绳起吊重物等,都可能引起安全事故。设备调动频繁,无法对机械设备进行彻底的维修保养,经常带病作业,在工作强度密集的情况下,操作手稍有疏忽就会酿成安全事故。

the construction site unsafe factors in the design of the homemade equipment. some units of homemade simple mechanical device, due to subjective awareness, technology level and economic ability, it is easy to pose a safety hazard. in the process of maintenance machinery and equipment, to purchase the accessories covet is cheap, quality is not qualified parts and components to the mechanical equipment, become the hidden danger of accident if l root quality brake line, leading to a major accident, 1 the tire with quality defects will result in a blowout in the construction operation, make the major mechanical vehicle rollover accidents, etc. in the process of mechanical maintenance of auxiliary material is not qualified, do not accord with standard of use, can make the mechanical engine suffered great damage, the unqualified wire rope lifting heavy objects, etc., are likely to cause safety accidents. equipment frequently and can't to complete maintenance of machinery and equipment, often work, in spite of under the condition of intensive work intensity, the operator slightly negligence can lead to safety accident.


3, the environment factors in the mechanical equipment safety management


due to road construction machinery are in the high temperature, cold, rainy weather, the soft foundation, slope, such as outdoor environment construction, coupled with the night lighting is not enough, the complex traffic environment construction, easy to cause an accident.


now with the safety management of construction site of the most common roller to take a small example: a project in the roadbed fill operations intends to call it a day, the project principal at the scene of the scene and director of the roller driver to do the arrangement and layout of construction projects and construction method. deep trench fill with mechanical construction, bulldozers to open a detour (180 m, 27 °) connection groove and the ground, by a bulldozer with wire rope drag and drop a loader, a roller by the walk down to the bottom. construction method is by bulldozers to ditch the bulldozing, rollers, loaders in the ditch under the homework. project leader had oral confessed after machine down, not to open up, gas and water, mechanical fault maintenance is done in the groove. machinery will fill up with big ditch, until fill in place, the natural to the ground. site construction after a period of time, want to secretly roller roller driver back to headquarters, when roller up to 40 meters from bottom () to the ground as soon as, roller suddenly loses power, began to decline, as fell to spacing groove 28 m turning occurs, roller by deformation of the cab driver and the steering wheel stuck chest, unable to move, lead to safety accident.


1, analysis of the cause of the accident


1) technical disclosure


(1) rollers overhaul maintenance, not in time equipment technical performance are not up to the standard. (factors) of


(2) up and down the channel service road slope is too large, do not conform to the rules. factors (environment)




