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发布时间:2024-03-27 热度:22


第1篇 长城导游词


万里长城是中国古代在不同时期为抵御塞北游牧部落联盟侵袭而修筑的规 模浩大的军事工程的统称。

长城东西绵延上万华里,因此又称作万里长城。现存的长城遗迹主要为始建 于 14 世纪的明长城,西起嘉峪关,东至辽东虎山,全长 8851.8 公里,平均高 6 至 7 米、宽 4 至 5 米。长城是我国古代劳动人民创造的伟大的奇迹,是中国悠久历史的见证。

万里长城,是中国伟大的军事建筑,它规模浩大,被誉为古代人类建筑史上 的一大奇迹。以雄峙中国北方大地的万里长城为中介的南北广大地域所构成的长 城带,横贯今辽宁、内蒙古、宁夏、甘肃、陕西、山西、河南、河北、北京、天 津、山东和吉林、黑龙江、青海、新疆等省(市、自治区)的相当一部分地区,也包括历史时期处于今蒙古人民共和国和朝鲜半岛的若干地区。其范围南北宽约数 百公里乃至上千公里, 东西长约数千公里。

长城带自远古至今居住着众多的民族, 各民族及其相互关系的发展,是观察和理解长城带一切事物的关键所在。

第2篇 长城导游词




the great wall

the great wall, like the pyramids of egypt, the taj mahal(1) in india and the hanging garden of babylon(2), is one of the great wonders of the world. starting out in the east on the banks of the yalu river in liaoning province, the wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to jiayuguan in the gobi desert, thus known as the ten thousand li wall in china. the wall climbs up and down, twists and turns along the ridges of the yanshan and yinshan mountain chains through five provinces-liaoning, hebei, shan_i, shaan_i, and gansu--and two autonomous regions--ning_ia and inner mongolia, binding the northern china together.

historical records trace the construction of the origin of the wall to defensive fortification back to the year 656 b.c. during the reign of king cheng of the states of chu. its construction continued throughout the warring states period in the fifth century b.c. when ducal states yan, zhao, wei, and qin were frequently plundered by the nomadic peoples living north of the yinshan and yanshan mountain ranges. walls, then, were built separately by these ducal states to ward off such harassments. later in 221 b.c., when qin conquered the other states and unified china, emperor qinshihuang ordered the connection of these individual walls and further e_tensions to form the basis of the present great wall. as a matter of fact, a separate outer wall was constructed north of the yinshan range in the han dynasty(206 bc--1644 bc.), which went to ruin through years of neglect. in the many intervening centuries, succeeding dynasties rebuilt parts of the wall. the most e_tensive reinforcements and renovations were carried out in the ming dynasty (1368--1644) when altogether 18 lengthy stretches were reinforced with bricks and rocks. it is mostly the ming dynasty wall that visitors see today. the great wall is divided into two sections, the east and west, with shan_i province as the dividing line. the west part is a rammed earth construction, about 5.3 meters high on average. in the eastern part, the core of the wall is rammed earth as well, but the outer shell is reinforced with bricks and rocks. the most imposing and best preserved sections of the great wall are at badaling and mutianyu, not far from beijing and both are open to visitors. the wall of those sections is 7.8 meters high and 6.5 meters wide at its base, narrowing to 5.8 meters on the ramparts, wide enough for five horses to gallop abreast. there are ramparts, embrasures, peep-holes and apertures for archers on the top, besides gutters with gargoyles to drain rain-water off the parapet walk. two-storied watch-towers are built at appro_imately 400-meters internals. the top stories of the watch-tower were designed for observing enemy movements, while the first was used for storing grain, fodder, military equipment and gunpowder as well as for quartering garrison soldiers. the highest watch-tower at badaling standing on a hill-top, is reached only after a steep climb, like climbing a ladder to heaven. the view from the top is rewarding, hoverer. the wall follows the contour of mountains that rise one behind the other until they finally fade and merge with distant haze. a signal system formerly e_isted that served to communicate military information to the dynastic capital. this consisted of beacon towers on the wall itself and on mountain tops within sight of the wall. at the approach of enemy troops, smoke signals gave the alarm from the beacon towers in the daytime and bonfire did this at night.

emergency signals could be relayed to the capital from distant places within a few hour long before the invention of anything like modern communications. there stand 14 major passes (guan, in chinese) at places of strategic importance along the great wall, the most important being shanghaiguan and jiayuguan. yet the most impressive one is juyongguan, about 50 kilometers northwest of beijing. known as tian _ia di yi guan (the first pass under heaven), shanghaiguan pass is situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neck connecting north china with the northeast. it had been, therefore, a key junction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here. it was the gate of shanghaiguan that the ming general wu sangui opened to the manchu army to suppress the peasant rebellion led by li zicheng and so surrendered the whole ming empire to the manchus, leading to the foundation of the qing dynasty. (1644-1911) jiayuguan pass was not so much as the strategic pass under the heaven as an important communication center in chinese history. cleft between the snow-capped qilian mountains and the rolling mazong mountains, it was on the ancient silk road. zhang qian, the first envoy of emperor wu di of the western han dynasty (206 b.c-24 a.d), crossed it on his journey to the western regions. later, silk flowed to the west through this pass too. the gate-tower of jiayuguan is an attractive building of e_cellent workmanship. it has an inner city and an outer city, the former square in shape and surrounded by a wall 11.7 meters high and 730 meters in circumference. it has two gates, an eastern one and a western one. on each gate sits a tower facing each other. the four corners of the wall are occupied by four watch towers, one for each. juyongguan, a gateway to ancient beijing from inner mongolia, was built in a 15-kilometer long ravine flanked by mountains. the cavalrymen of genghis khan swept through it in the 13th century. at the center of the pass is a white marble platform named the cloud terrace, which was called the crossing-street dagoba, since its narrow arch spanned the main street of the pass and on the top of the terrace there used to be three stone dagobas, built in the yuan daynasty(1206-1368). at the bottom of the terrace is a half-octagonal arch gateway, interesting for its wealth of detail: it is decorated with splendid images of buddha and four celestial guardians carved on the walls. the vividness of their e_pressions is matched by the e_quisite workmanship. such grandiose relics works, with several stones pieced together, are rarely seen in ancient chinese carving. the gate jambs bear a multi-lingual buddhist sutra, carved some 600 years ago in sanskrit(3), tibetan, mongolian, uigur(4), han chinese and the language of western _ia. undoubtedly, they are valuable to the study of buddhism and ancient languages. as a cultural heritage, the wall belongs not only to china but to the world. the venice charter says: historical and cultural architecture not only includes the individual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historical events. the great wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world. in 1987, the wall was listed by unesco as a world cultural heritage site.

notes:1. the taj mahal in india 印度的泰姬陵2. the hanging garden of babylon 巴比伦的空中花园3. sanskrit 梵语4. uigur 维吾尔语

there stand 14 major passes (guan, in chinese) at places of strategic importance along the great wall, the most important being shanghaiguan and jiayuguan. yet the most impressive one is juyongguan, about 50 kilometers northwest of beijing.

known as tian _ia di yi guan (the first pass under heaven), shanghaiguan pass is situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neck connecting north china with the northeast. it had been, therefore, a key junction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here. it was the gate of shanghaiguan that the ming general wu sangui opened to the manchu army to suppress the peasant rebellion led by li zicheng and so surrendered the whole ming empire to themanchus, leading to the foundation of the qing dynasty. (1644-1911)

jiayuguan pass was not so much as the strategic pass under the heaven as an important communication center in chinese history. cleft between the snow-capped qilian mountains and the rolling mazong mountains, it was on the ancient silk road. zhang qian, the first envoy of emperor wu di of the western han dynasty (206 b.c-24 a.d), crossed it on his journey to the western regions. later, silk flowed to the west through this pass too. the gate-tower of jiayuguan is an attractive building of e_cellent workmanship. it has an inner city and an outer city, the former square in shape and surrounded by a wall 11.7 meters high and 730 meters in circumference. it has two gates, an eastern one and a western one. on each gate sits a tower facing each other. the four corners of the wall are occupied by four watch towers, one for each.

juyongguan, a gateway to ancient beijing from inner mongolia, was built in a 15-kilometer long ravine flanked by mountains. the cavalrymen of genghis khan swept through it in the 13th century. at the center of the pass is a white marble platform named the cloud terrace, which was called the crossing-street dagoba, since its narrow arch spanned the main street of the pass and on the top of the terrace there used to be three stone dagobas, built in the yuan daynasty(1206-1368). at the bottom of the terrace is a half-octagonal arch gateway, interesting for its wealth of detail: it is decorated with splendid images of buddha and four celestial guardians carved on the walls. the vividness of their e_pressions is matched by the e_quisite workmanship. such grandiose relics works, with several stones pieced together, are rarely seen in ancient chinese carving. the gate jambs bear a multi-lingual buddhist sutra, carved some 600 years ago in sanskrit(3), tibetan, mongolian, uigur(4), han chinese and the language of western _ia. undoubtedly, they are valuable to the study of buddhism and ancient languages.

as a cultural heritage, the wall belongs not only to china but to the world. the venice charter says: historical and cultural architecture not only includes the individual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historical events. the great wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world. in 1987, the wall was listed by unesco as a world cultural heritage site.

第3篇 长城导游词









第4篇 长城导游词










第5篇 长城导游词








___曾经说过:不到长城非好汉。今天,你们要登长城做好汉了!祝贺你们!你们知道吗?长城被列入世界遗产的时间是1987年12月。长城是中国的像征,身为中华儿女的我们,又怎么能不骄傲呢? 大家记得古时候有一个传说吗?那是勤劳的孟姜女为了找被官兵捉去建筑长城的丈夫,经过许多艰难困苦,来到长城边。当她四处打听,才知道丈夫被活活地累死了,于是,她在长城哭了三天三夜。突然,只听轰隆一声,长城被哭倒了800里。游客们,这是多么感人的故事啊,可见,万里长城凝结了千万人民的血汗,是中华人民智慧的结晶。











第6篇 长城导游词















远远望去,长城像一条巨大无比的长龙。近看,长城一眼望不到头。站在长城上看,一座座烽火台屹立在长城上,像一个永远不会倒的不倒翁。 长城还是古代一项重要的防御工程,从燕国开始修建长城,长城现在已经有2000多年历史了!



第7篇 长城导游词





第8篇 长城导游词



大家好! 我们现在参观的八达岭长城是明朝修建的。为防御外敌入侵,秦朝,汉朝和明朝共修建了一万三千多里长城。长城西起嘉峪关,东到山海关。长城被称为世界七大奇迹之一。

大家看,长城全部是用巨大的条石和城砖砌筑而成的。城墙外沿那两米多高的成排建筑叫垛子,垛子上面的方形口子是望口和射口,是打仗用的。城墙顶上那一座座方形的城台,是屯兵的堡垒,每隔三百米就有一座,这样打仗时城台之间可以互相呼应。 各位游客,那时可没火车,汽车,也没起重机,这一块块有两三千斤重的条石以及建筑材料都是靠人力抬上去的,是现代人想都不敢想的壮举,难怪世界上都公认它是一大奇迹! 参观了长城,大家要记住一句话:不到长城非好汉!只有亲眼目睹了先辈们的这一伟大创造,才能在人生的道路上成为一个真正的好汉!

今天就参观到这里,欢迎下次再来! 谢谢大家!

第9篇 长城导游词






有关长城的文化很多,“孟姜女哭长城的传说”,唐代着名诗人岑参年,对边关将士守写下了许多反映边关将士征战戍边活动的诗歌,被后人誉为“边塞诗人”。王维的“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”之诗句勾画出边关壮美宏伟的风光。“劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人”之叹,道出了多少离别之情。王之涣“羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关”之句,写古时边关的凄凉与艰辛等等说也说不完 。



第10篇 长城导游词











